Everything is unfinished always

Oct 19, 2009 09:39


This is largely unsatisfying. But you should click anyway Mostly because there's a cute little spaceship. Actually it's ok. Mostly it's the handsome Captain. He's the one in the middle.

This is a rough primer )

wip, haaaaaate, procrastination, art

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thebutlerdidit October 21 2009, 10:38:03 UTC
I meant to comment on this yesterday, but time forgot me for a while! I just want to say, as a placeholder for now, that this whole post is LOVELY, and I'll be back later on to say more~~ Because there's more to say. ;}


thebutlerdidit October 22 2009, 01:51:56 UTC
Where is the writing part~~? You should post that, too! ♥♥

Wowow, Captain looks younger than I imagined! And, you know, grayer, haha. He also looks nicer than the story bits belied. But I guess that's the trick-- the nice-looking ones are always the ones to look out for. ;D His hair is super awesome, I see now. Oh, I have a lot of questions-- like, how did he and Abrams get paired up? What sorts of species are they? Where are the from in the universe? Do their people get along with each other? Is Captain younger than Abrams or older? How do their cultural backgrounds/experiences support their behavior now (as seen in the story so far)? How long have they been working together? And so on and on and on and on. So really, more words (and drawings!) from you, lady. ;DD


ninjmonk October 22 2009, 10:24:41 UTC
*3* The writing didn't want to make an appearance. They felt like they weren't dressed appropriately for LJ and went home to change.
Or that's what they told me.

Ok, I just want to have something that is a bit more wordy than anything that I actually have written.

I'm so glad you asked those questions because it forced me to find the answers. :o I don't know if you actually want me to answer all of that...because I would totally tell you all ;A;

Oh! They are together for 18 months. It's a short voyage.

I lost my tablet pen, but here's something I have been dying to work on as a drawing:
It had tiny soft pedals, red and short, that curled on Abrams's finger. Like peace, Abrams thought, like something wonderful.

And something else that came to me for writing: He saw when they scooped out his head, gel glass recording the dangling coolants and fibers sparking out, a chemical fire in shiny black.

Hello, Abrams icon! Hello, Butler. :))


thebutlerdidit October 22 2009, 12:40:06 UTC
Sure, sure, okay~ (I'll let you slide this time. Next time...it may get ugly. ;p And Sinbad agrees.)

Haha, answer them now or wait and answer them with story-- either way, I'll be happy!

I saw about your tablet pen running away, but I read it so fast before class, I thought it was about your tablet breaking, so I'm glad to see I was just hallucinating! Though losing the pen sucks as well. Can you buy spare ones? Or are they the sort of thing that only comes with the actual device (which would blow)?

Oh, both of those are so, so lovely! If all else fails, you need to get out some old-fashioned pencil and paper and hop to it, ma'am. ;DD

♥ Hellooo~


ninjmonk October 22 2009, 20:36:06 UTC
;A; Oh no! We can't have that!

Captain is older in a way, but he's complicated. He's this hybrid of parts, robotic and organic. Android is the term. But! He was a robot first, and then became an organic living being. So he's not really a race of anything, but a bunch of things made into one. Abrams doesn't really recognize him as that though, because the planets they inhabit are all full of the descendants of refugees. And I'll come back after class and maybe write more, or just tell you more.

I ordered one a couple of hours ago. It should be here Saturday~ Hopefully I'll find the original eventually so that I can have two, and they can keep each other company. :o

Pencil and paper, yes, yes, I remember those...I think. ;ppp

:DDD Almost Birthday Girl, Birthday going to come soon, Going to turn a year more, Going to start over, Happy Almost Birthday Girl~~~
...Ok, so that loses something when typed. Imagine singing! :> Nice, happy singing.


thebutlerdidit October 23 2009, 20:37:11 UTC
That's awesome. I do like me some android-inal-type organic beings. :DD

Yes, hopefully you will find it!


♥♥ I smiled waaaayy big at this. Thank you!


ninjmonk October 26 2009, 02:14:08 UTC
Right --
so Abrams and Captain are on a quest on behalf of a cult group who are seeking an event called Reawaking Atlas. Abrams because he seeks that for himself, and Captain because he has an internal process that calls him to this action. Reawaking Atlas was an Earth based group many years ago (like counting lifetimes) and is now a myth. Back when Abrams was younger he spend a large chunk of time after the cult and got into a lot of trouble for it, but because of that Captain chose him as a partner for the expedition. And as for the other questions -- I think those are easier to answer in fic than this. ;p

How in the world did you ever get me into this project? You are sneaky, sneaky, Butler lady. ♥♥

I got my new tablet pen on Friday. It's even better than the old lost one! Such fluid motions, oh my!

<3333 Any plans for it?


thebutlerdidit October 26 2009, 14:45:38 UTC
Ah! I have a lot more punk-respect for Abrams, after hearing that. To be honest, at first I thought maybe he was a stuffy, science-y, logic sort, but haha, I've been proven wrong! Going after a cult...not something you hear about every day. Sounds dangerous. And that is cool that Captain has this internal call to the event (I wonder-- does it change him, this calling? Like make him angry or really sedate, something like that? Or can he ignore it somehow/eventually?) Dude, please do write more of this. :D

! It's a secret family recipe to get people to do things. Afraid I can't share it with anyone. ;p


Nope. One of my friends thought it was just such a travesty I wasn't doing anything, so maybe she, my roommate and I will go out to dinner or skating or something...and family dinner tomorrow, I think. But other than that... Every year I hope for a surprise party, though, haha. Maybe some day it will come. :}


ninjmonk October 27 2009, 04:30:55 UTC
Abrams is rather tough, as nails some might say (that someone is me, so--) yeah, historians might say that he was a real super villain... what! what!

I think that Captain struggles a lot with himself in what is his own choice and if he has a choice. So he doesn't. He wants to change more from what he was at the beginning.


<33 Well, I hope you have a lovely time of it in whatever you end up doing. :)


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