Feb 13, 2009 00:25

Hey, All.

This one's a big deal.

If you are of the opinion that the 18,000 couples married in California last year who just happen to have been of the same gender have the right to their marriage remaining legally valid, please sign the petition at the following link:


The Courage Campaign has a fantastic video there, a slideshow of pictures sent in by people who would be affected by Proposition 8. Negatively affected, their lives impacted by legal discrimination, taking rights away from people they love. Yes, both their partners...and their friends, family members, co-workers...more people than just the couples whose marriages would be voided are affected by this issue. In fact, every American citizen is affected, because if Proposition 8 is allowed to stand, it will be the first case of discrimination being ADDED to a constitution, instead of removed. Even if you don't care about gay rights, don't you care about the pride our country has as "the land of liberty"? If we let discrimination stand, if we let it gain legal validation, regardless of where or over what issue, how long before that precedent enables another right to be taken away? And then another? And then more...

I don't want to see that happen. I want to see a world where consenting adults are allowed to love one another freely, where the right to have that love validated and protected in case of hospitalization or other emergencies is equally available to ALL couples.

Please help make that come to pass.

Thank You.
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