Apr 01, 2005 19:20
things that piss me off... do you agree or what??
1] Flamboyant gay guys: Out-going gay guys are just assholes looking for attentin. I mean the ones that weren't born gay; the ones that were born with the same instinct to like females as everyone else but choose to label themselves as fags for attention. I know there are gay people who are actually gay and I don't mind them because they have an urge to follow how they feel. But I'm talking about the ones who dress in drag and talk with their fruity, put-on lisp and shit just so people constantly know that they're gay and proud to be posing. Now, on to the topic of fags liking the spotlight: Why is it that gay people "only want to be treatd equally and be accepted as normal citizens" yet, they have a parade every year with men oiled up in faggy, offensive little costunes makingcomplete shit-heads out of themselves? You can't take anyone seriously if they themselves, are not serious about what they stand for.
Lesbians are fine by me because they usually aren't looking for attention and everyone loves lesbians :)
(I'm not anti-gay, I'm anti-poser)
2] Peope who go out of their way to be different,prety self-explainitory. I don't like when people try to start trends or do something needless to be diffrent. They just look like assholes, plain and simple.
3] Bad typing skills: Yea, this one is a bit nerdy, but it doesn't make you cool to write in abbreviations. Is it so hard to add the few extra fucking letters to make words like "Ur" into "your"?
(If you're just a dumbass who can't spell or whatever, then it's cool if I can understand you)
4] People who aren't funny but think they are: There is always that one dip shyt who makes a joke that you don't find funny, and it makes it really akward if you're like me and can't pull of a decent fake laugh. I always look like an asshole when people make a bad joke and I can't look amused at all.
6] Grapefruits (Think about it when you're high): What's the deal? There is already a fruit called a grape, and they look and taste nothing alike. I don't know what that asshole who named grapefruits was thinking when he named them. There is already a known fruit called a grape, so he figured that instead of calling it something dope, he thinks he can just take "grape" and add it's general classification (fruit) to it? What a prick. I think it should be called a "Gwanza." What ya think? It kinda sounds tropical...Like a Kwanza (which is the African Christmas) *thank you Forsaken* and an Iguana(which is obviously a tropical lizard.)
Losing it.
7] Text Messaging: This is something I do, and I hate myself for it. It is using a device that makes communication easy, difficult. It's like attaching a long pole onto a TV remote control so you can push the buttons on the TV from the couch. It makes no sence.
8] Anti-Religious people: Alright homies, this is where I go from "fun-loving Space Cadet" to serious. I am Catholic and yes, I believe in God. Who the fuck cares? Why do people have to always say shit like "fuck religion!" or whatever? If you're not religious, then keep your fucking mouth shut, because it's really offensive to people who are. I'm not saying you're wrong to not have a religion or to not believe in God, but what is wrong with it? Even if it's not true([which I don't think is the case) why is it so wrong to have it as a life guideline? There is nothing "wrong" or "bad" about believing in something. It's like vegetarians telling people who eat meat that they're wrong to do so. If you don't like it, you can fuck right off.
9] Vegetarians: Who are you assholes? Fuck off. You all can ear me at the same time while I'm eating a raw steak. Who is anybody to say that eating meat is wrong? What is the problem with eating a food source that is on Earth for that very purpose? Vegetarians are mainly all posing fags, who just don't eat meat to get attention. Who the hell cares that you don't eat meat? Do you want a fucking award? I love meat and would rather die young after consuming a few farms worth of meat than dying an old asshole who was a piss-off to go out for dinner with. Vegetarians always make that "Oooooh... I can't eat that... I'm a vegetarian" line at restaurants when the waiter reads the meat-filled specials, just to make sure that everyone knows that they're one of those difficult pricks. Just order your salad and keep your mouth shut.
10] Today's Music: I fucking hate everything that is on the radio these days (with the exception of whatever is on 92.5.] What the fuck happened is all I want to know? Since when does talent not matter anymore? Any dip-shit, no talent, plastic girl who is easy on the eyes can now make a record. What the fuck!? I thought music was meant to be enjoyed by people for it's content, not for whoever is singing it's appearance. Fuck Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Jessica Simpson, Hilary Duff, Aaron Carter, (what a fuckin' homo that kid is and everyone else that can suck someones dick and get famous for being attractive). Example of how stupid todays target audience is (young girls): Ashley Simpson was (as we all know) cought lip-synching on SNL, and people still buy her shit. What the fuck is wrong with her fans? They KNOW she sucks, it's been proven that she can't sing, and they still buy whatever she sells. Holy fuck...If I was her record company, I would appologize to whoever bought her shit, and terminate her contract. When will people learn to be more critical? I can't even believe how bad things have gotten.
I remember back when I used to look forward to listening to the radio count-downs on MTV with my sis Jess because we knew we were going to like most of the songs on them. Now I turn on the tv and all I see on MuchMusic is shitty American bands and "pop stars" filling my ears with shit. Todays music is the worst it has ever been, and I'm not joking. I am an origional guy and I like to be different so I listen to limited music because I can't stand how bad things have gotten. I don't know how [all the people I listed], Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, *NSYNC, ect, and every shitty "R&B" singer can make any money from what they do. They all suck and it's no secret. I had better stop before I write a fuckin' book on this shit. Down with everything but PSYCHOPATHIC, AND ALL ROCK AND METAL!! and a few other things that don't suck.
11] People having their own shows: Alright, this ties into the music one, so bare with me. What the hell is the point of having a show about "Nick and Jesica"? Holy shit. I can't think of one good reason that they need their own show. What do they do that is so interesting that people would watch that shit? It's basicly a camera following them around for their day, and showing you what they do. Heres an idea, and I know it sounds a little crazy...Why don't you go do something rather than watch a complete retard and a pretty-boy dumass do something? I know I must sound insane by thinking that people might want to have a life of their own rather than watching other peoples'. I seriously don't get why Ashley Simpson needs her own show either. What is she possibly doing that she can't just go onto her sisters shitty show to do? It's not like she's doing a concert on every episode. (which would be the only good idea for a band or singer to have their own show for.)
And now to mention all the other shitty shows:
+] "Road to Stardom with Missy Elliot": First of all...Why is Missy Elliot's ugly ass on TV more than it needs to be? She is always sucking on a sucker with that disgusting
"aren't I sexy?" look. Even tho she might be the most ugly female to become famous in the last 5 years. Not to mention she sucks.
+] "Til Death do us Part": Again, who cares? I love Dave's guitar work, and Carmen Electra is hot as fuck, but they don't need to take up half an hour of TV space to show what they do in their day. I should get my own show about how I sleep until 10:00AM, get up and watch TV with some food, go play hockey, come back and go on my computer and then maybe jack off. Who would want to watch what I do in my day? It's just stupid. If you watch that show, next time you're watching it, do me a favor and go do something else just so you're not a complete dumbass for half an hour.
+] "Making the Band": Seriously... I don't even know where to start, so I'll just keep this short. "P. Diddy" is a little bitch who does one of the things that piss me off. He goes out of his way to be different by chewing on a tooth pick. (How origional.) Fuck him and his shitty show. He takes a group of people and tries to get them "suitable" to be in a "band." (I don't concider anyone who doesn't play an instrument to be in a band.) Nobody cares if they go anywhere because the show is un-origional, un-inspired, and boring. The idea sucks, as well as the "bands" chances of going anywhere.
12] Fox Television Station: This one is more of a personal thing than anything else. I only dislike it because they got rid of "Family Guy" and are in the process of getting rid of "Arrested Development." I don't know what they're thinking in their staff meetings. It probobly goes like this:
Asshole: Hey, I see Family Guy is a big hit with everybody, and it's hilarious! Let's get rid of it...
Fuck Nut: Good idea! Now we can show how "edgy" we are by replacing [one of the edgiest shows around] with reality shows about midgets, or skanks getting married!
Asshole: Better yet, why not midget skanks getting married!?
Fuck Nut: You're promoted!
Seriously. What the hell? I don't know what else they could be saying in their meetings to replace funny shows like Family Guy and Arrested Development with the bullshit like "Who want's to marry my dad?" and "Man VS. Beast." Fuck Fox and everybody who decides what they put on the air.