Today i am supposed to be going driving my mom to CVS. Which involves me driving on 103rd, so i'm kind of freaking out about that. I think i drove on 103rd before but i'm not sure. That street is like, extra busy, and i barely even know how to change that's pretty much a disaster waiting to happen.
Britt and me were also supposed to put up those signs today, but i dont think we're going to be able to do so. She's going to her grandpas, and im supposed to be doing my schoolwork when i come back. God, i fuckin hate Earth Science. [It dosen't help that i'm like, 15 assignments behind either...]
Well, wish me luck.
Hopefully i dont get myself killed..
I'm off to take a shower.
Cause i smell.
Really bad.
Your personality gives you a clever, quick, analytical mind, but you suffer with a great deal of self-consciousness, lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings.
Your idealistic and sensitive nature gives you a deep appreciation for the finer things of life and a strong desire to be of service to humanity.
There are times when you experience inner turbulence at your inability to say what you mean.
It is far easier for you to express your deeper thoughts and feelings through writing than verbally.
You find pleasure in literature, in poetry, and in your ideals and will turn to them when you feel you have been misunderstood.
You are deeply moved by the beauties of life, especially nature.
Because your feelings run deep, you must guard against the ups and downs, being very inspired one minute, then moody, reserved, and depressed the next.
Your reactions to people vary according to how you feel.
You tend to be secretive and noncommittal about private matters, yet at times you will talk effusively in order to hide your self-consciousness or to lead others away from personal subjects.
You are inspired by encouragement from others, yet suspicious of their intent.
You crave affection but seldom find anyone who understands your nature.
Physical weaknesses would show in your heart, lungs, or bronchial organs
Your Lucky Number is 7
Yours is the path of the mind.
Silence and solitude are your doorways into the deep recesses of the mind and the universe.
You are the philosopher, the analyst, the seeker and if you'd be willing, the teacher.
The time and energy that you spend discovering the microscopic core of things has gifted you with the ability to tap into psychic energy.
It is with this energy that you can separate the true from the false.
There is an air of mystery and secrecy about you.
You are poised and sophisticated, and prefer to dress in a clean, well-groomed and understated way.
You seem unapproachable to others because of your introspective and analytical temperament.
You are the philosophical loner, the probing seeker, and only those of like-mind really understand.
You are a philosopher by nature.
Inside, you are calm shy and reserved, preferring to live alone in your own perfect world of thoughts and intuitive analysis of life's deeper mysteries.
You experience irritation and upset in noisy or chaotic environments, as your hearing is more sensitive than most peoples.
You have a good ear for music and are probably drawn to complex and meditative melodies.
The man who attracts you is protective, security-conscious, sensitive, and understanding.
If you find that he makes you feel "safe", you'll somehow feel yourself drawn to him.
You can be attracted to a man who is financially secure, especially if he owns his own home, has a "nest egg" saved for a rainy day, and could afford to raise children in a good home environment.
Your strong sexuality responds best to emotion and security.
A man's sensitivity may be more important than his sexiness.
You can be drawn to a man you unconsciously perceive as a father-figure, or consciously see as a potential "father of my children" - and/or to a man who needs to be "mothered".
You can be particularly attracted to a man who loves children, can cook (or loves your cooking), and wants a cosy, comfortable home. And likes your mother (if you do).
You may be particularly drawn to a protective and mature man, and possibly to one who acts like a "father-figure" to you.
Ideally He should also have the Following :
He would never leave me stranded.
He would prefer that I budget our money.
He would be extra nice to me on special occasions.
He would represent security to me.
He would brag about me to others.
He would generally take my suggestions or advice.
He would appreciate my desire to pursue a career.
What a great spirit you have. Yet again, you have chosen to carry the burden for others.
Yet again, you are the strong arms that others run to for support.
You are the clarity which clears the clouds of confusion for so many.
We applaud you. We acknowledge your efforts.
As you stop long enough to reflect on what we say here, you open the door, through renewed belief in yourself, to a replenishment of spirit, and greater influence from your higher mind.
Greater influence and love from your angelic friends.
This love will keep you strong, keep your mind clear, and help you to move forward in joy.
Remember always to take time to love yourself.
We do!
B0B NO3z ALL!!!