Sep 01, 2010 00:37
I was thinking of becoming asexual. Because guys piss me off, and there isn't one girl around here who seems to want to spend their free time with me.
Oh btw my name is Danny and I guess I'm an adult?
If I had to choose between a million dollars, world peace, or finding my one true love, I'd choose the money, because no one's proven that true love exists, I like chaos and destruction, and I really really want a lamborghini.
I like video games.
I'm often critical of my own spelling. At the same time, I have no problem utilizing my own dialect. So eff you, yer friggen lame if you can't tell the difference.
I don't like rhetorical questions. I like asking questions, and getting answers. And I like giving answers to questions. Not if other people are paying attention to my answer though.
I love reading my profile. I encourage everyone to read all of it, but if you don't want to that's okay too.
Don't say "what the fuck" or "wtf" to me. It makes me feel like shit and I won't enjoy talking to you.
From a Smart Scene Kid named Rooster Jake, things I agree with 110%
I hate when you see those dudes that are mean to there girlfriends.
Be nice boys
Dont think cause I said your pretty that im like all sick in love with you :]
I'm easy but I have high standards.
I have a hair fetish.
I'm a sucker for girls with cute tummies!
Apparently, I like clothes from BEBE. Whenever I see that store, I get angry because I see cute clothes that no one I know wears. And well. If you look good in clothes from Bebe and you're wearing them, I'll probably notice you. I am aware that some people can't pull it off, and that it's expensive. I'm sorry.
I love when you're spending time with a crush and people assume that you're dating. Guilty pleasure
I have a strange feeling that girls can always tell that you're checking them out, no matter how many people you put between you and the girl or how far away you are from them. I know this is not true, but it scares the fuck outta me, specially when girls all of a sudden look at me and smile. So umm, if you know + enjoy the fact that I check you out, tell me? because then I'll know to do it more often lol. or some such thing. Hugs=theshit. So umm, hug me if I'm checking you out. That makes me happy.
I like to jump things. It's called parkour (or freerunning). "parkour is getting from point a to point b in the fastest, most efficient method possible, by going around, over or under obstacles." I don't do it as often anymore because I'm not quite agile enough.
When things get idle I often like to check out random girls, doesn't really matter who, just has to be at least decent looking. Sorry.
I'm lactose intolerant. Yes. It's a big deal.
If I go down, I go down in flames!
FaLLeN SerApH167: Yeah. no that's kinda what she said when i asked her out. trust me. we're just friends. I learned the hard way.
aka. I get rejected. it sucks. but I deal.
I have this thing where I get really happy when girls I like alot complain cause they're maybe not as well endowed in certain physical features as other girls. Because it's like, "yes I know this, but I still love you way more than some skank even if you are extremely flat compared to her." I enjoy telling girls that they are beautiful, especially when i'm being 100% honest. That's the best!♥♥
I like to write, and I like people reading it and I hope that they like it, so maybe I'm a showoff. But hey, I'm shit at everything else.
I play drums. And bass, sometimes. I'm not very good.
I like instruments (bass, guitar, drums, and maybe even trumpets, keyboards, harmonica, and other assorted shit) in songs. I also like lyrics. Basically, I like real music. NOT RAP!
I like guns. A lot. I also like swords. Much much more. Japanese and European swords both. I was kinda a natural with guns, but it's been a really long time.
I have like 3 inside jokes. And it makes me sad.
People are pretty much always invited to my house? As long as I'm here. Yet no one ever visits me?
It's my sisters' fault I look so funky. They stole all my good looks. 'cause they're LOSERS<33. Actually, if someone called me ugly, I'll probably just laugh. Chances are, I've got friends more attractive that think I'm good looking!
Seeing a pattern here? Good. I LIKE PATTERNS!
I like logic and also I like defying it.
I have a love/hate relationship with psychology and the brain in general.
I like watching chicka that can shake it. or think they can shake it and try and end up being ridiculous but uber uber cute nonetheless. I don't dance. I just like to bounce a little bit.
I'm kinda insane and crazy and such. Just a bit though.
I'm protective of my friends in general. Don't test it ^.^ and we'll get along fine.
I might be OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) but I'm not too sure. Opinions would be appreciated. I don't care if someone say I have a mental problem, but I'll usually shut up and start thinking about it.
If I don't like your comments, I'll delete them. It's that simple. Don't take it personally. But if you don't have anything nice to say. Don't say anything
Another of my pet peeves is when people see that I write "Daniel" on all of my papers and so start calling me Daniel. Like. I don't blame you or anything. But according to most of my friends and family, my name's Danny. not Daniel.
My computer=my love.
But it pisses the fuck outta me. Kinda like girls....
My relationships have often been love triangles, quadralaterals, pentagons hexagons octogons etc. because I tend to try to get to know the close friends of my friends. and so if there's drama. it involves more than just me and another person. always.^.^
I will steal your friends. It will happen. And it'll be amazing. Because all of a sudden. Instead of just you loving me. You and 5 of your closest friends will love me. It works out pretty nice.
I like the word CHICKA! it makes me think of chicka... and hot chicka are hot...
If I'm with a chicka, then generally, I will not be able to focus on other girls. (this works great for dating!)
People are bitches + assholes around here. If I can I want to move away and become a hermit. Yeah. That'd be swell. Lifefersure;)
I hate hiding my weaknesses, aka I hate wearing shirts because my upper body is a piece of shit and has barely any muscle.
I hate shorts, because I hate showing my legs. So yeah.
I see logic in most religions, including satanism (sp?) but I'm mostly agnostic.
I also see logic in nihilism. I see it, I acknowledge it, but I won't totally follow it. Whatever. Nihilists=cool.
FaLLeN SerApH167: Wait
FaLLeN SerApH167: why am I more of a girl?
AiiMxEE: because you obsess over things. and change your mind a lot and are really emotional and are frends with all girls and you just are.
I am not an emo kid. I'm not really a musician and I'm definitely not a skater. I might be a writer, but I'm not a goth or a scene kid. I am not a punk. I may seem to be anti-establishment and to support the whole "conformity is wrong" thing, but it's much more complex than just that. I finally found a good name for me that I will not find offensive in any way. I am a Maverick.
I appreciate vegetarians and vegans. I think their ideals are beautiful and amazing and kind and admirable. But I would never ever be a vegetarian. I like meat a lot. I like meat so much that if it were illegal to manufacture meat, I would run around killing animals so that I could eat meat again. I know how hamburgers, sausages, ribs, tender loin and all that is made. I know how they cut the stomachs out of pigs and the blood gushes out. I've seen videos of it and they make me hungry. It's just how I am. I support that you are vegan/vegetarian, but don't give me some sob story on how disgusting meat is. If you are a vegetarian and I hate you and you tell me meat is disgusting, I will introduce you to an animal that I have named. And when it is plump and read I will inform you that I am going to go stab it and then take it to the butcher. And then I'll cook it and eat it in front of your face and make sure it's realll bloodddy. That's why vegetarians and vegans should always stay on my good side. Which they do. So I love them!!!
I don't want world peace. I think world peace would be a bad fucking idea. A really bad fucking idea.
I had dreams in life. One of them was being a talented artist in many different medias. It won't happen but I could dream. And to go to school and fail. I also want to be a writer? Who knows. But more specifically. I want to get married, live in somewhere green, have a beautiful and enormous garden/meadow full of assorted flowers and a weeping willow above a cobblestone fountain. Maybe a small lake or stream, kept clean and very silvery. I don't care about my house so much and if I didn't want such a beautiful garden I'd be fine with a suburban home, but I would love to have at least one son and one daughter, which may call for a large house. If I finished writing, finished raising my children, was married to an amazing woman, and could gaze upon the gorgeous greenery around my home including the lucious flora, I could easily die a happy man....
You know, most people think being antisocial is cool and try to be loners and shit for sympathy. That's all nice and good, and I appreciate your dedication. I've done it before for sympathy friendship too. It's really not worth it.
I'm not very talkative usually, and although I have lots of friends, I don't really fit in perfectly with anyone. Not to sound conceited, but I'm not quite like anyone you'll ever meet, and it's really hard to get along with me 100%, no matter how much you love me. I'm a really nice person and really sweet, but sometimes I just act too weird for anyone to really handle. I'm pretty capable of scaring even my closest friends, and if I spend more time with you, chances are it'll happen. I'm also uncomfortable in crowds, no matter if I know every single person in the group, if it's more than three other people, I'm pretty much destined to be uncomfortable. I'm a rather complex social creature, usually I just try to adapt, but every once in a while I kind of collapse and turn into a rather scary person. I don't bite though, I just tend to avoid people and say weird things whenever I'm uncomfortable even if I love them a lot.
I like chaos. Chaos makes me happy.
I also like entropy, the opposite of chaos. I also derive aspects of life from the first and third laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics states that in any process, the total energy of the universe remains constant; that energy cannot be created or destroyed.The second law of thermodynamics states that as temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a constant. apply those to life yourself. Don't worry if you can't, I don't really remember how I used to do that!
I'm a night person. I can get hyper at night. Beware. Otherwise I'm really really lazy and don't do shit.
I'm kinda daydreamy, plus I like to go off on my own spurts of thought. You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one. lol
I like thinking. I do it a lot.
I don't like being laughed at. It makes me feel dumb. Laughter in general kind of bugs me. So I don't like comedy much.
When your friends betray you sometimes the only people you can trust are strangers
I'm partial to cheerleaders. But I don't like skanky woman. I like non-stereotypical cheerleaders. Which means cheerleaders that live outside of California. Some really cool and amazing girls are cheerleaders though. So don't stereotype.
I love giving picture comments and making them really descriptive and personal and if that creeps you out just delete them and I'll probably give you a new comment. I don't get my pictures commented very often but when i do I usually get really happy and comment every single picture of that person and then either comment their page, msg them, or im them, or any combination of the three. It doesn't happen often though. But I get really excited when it does :)
I may be a bit weird and I may freak some people out and so a lot of people hate me and it makes me feel shitty... so what am I supposed to do zone it out? Honestly I can't fix it I'm just me I don't mean to scare people or hurt them or anything I just want to see other people smile but I'm kinda bad at doing that so don't criticize the fact that I fuck up so much because I really do try.... sometimes it just backfires....a lot...
I'm sometimes sadistic. Whatever.
I'm an advocate for abstinence. But a lot of my friends have lost their virginity...
Okay so, I don't drink. At all. So don't try to get me to. I've tried it before, and I didn't really enjoy it too much. And like... drunk people kind of bug me, and so I'd rather they not be around me when they are drunk. Don't get me wrong, I'll still love people who drink immensely and I care about a ton of people who commonly get drunk and go to parties, but I'd rather be staying at home drinking nonalcoholic beverages and cuddling with my girl than partying and having everyone drunk and wild.
I'd be a geek except I'm too lazy to participate in such behavior
I like love when purdy chicka ask for my sn. It makes me happy.
A surefire way to make me fall in love with you: straighten your hair.
If I stare at you, it usually means your gorgeous. If I don't pay attention to you, it's cause you're not. That simple. But there's exceptions!!
Basically, I'm not flirting with your girlfriend. I'm just really really really bored and using her for release. (I want your girlfriend to be my girlfriend too!-reel big fish.)
Conciously and subconciously I live my life based on video games, movies, and books. It just happens. A lot of my life parallels my favorites of each. Like I find myself in situations that can be solved the same way and that can be looked at from the same angle as in those stories. It's pretty cool sauce. And yes, you can laugh.
I say lots of things that you probably will not like. They may be creepy. They may be sexist (vs guys usually) they may be hypocritical or some other atrocity. I don't mean any harm by them, I'm an advocate for acceptance and compassion, and I don't have prejudice against anyone (well I'm kind of skeptical about most guys, but that's not exactly prejudice per say). I might not come off as the nicest person all the time, but most of the time, I'm not trying to piss you off, I'm just talking for the sake of socializing. I really would rather talk and make you smile, so just work with me a little. ;-)
I like black and white. I also like to combine them to get grey, but grey is a shit color so I like SILVER!
I'm probably a shitty kisser. Big deal. So teach me?
I can get really shy around girls that I don't know well.
I'm a guy by nature, so I'm sorta horny on and off sometimes. Sorry.
I believe girls are technically better than guys in almost every way.
I know the most important secret about the opposite sex. They can be idiots. (he treats me like shit but i want to be with him so bad!!)
I have no problem with insulting myself. But I don't like to be dissed.
I am very very slow to anger. And I don't like to hurt people. But don't think that means you can do whatever the fuck you want to me.
I hate being labeled. As such I like moving around.
I'm actually stubbornly elitist at times, but I'm very liberal.
I really dislike when people give up everything about themselves just so other people like them.
I hang out with a vast group of people, some of whom rather dislike my other friends.
I hate women abusers and people who don't treat girls w/ respect. I also hate guys who like mess around with girls against their will.
I don't like when girls have short hair. It ticks me off. I also don't like when girls say they are getting a haircut. Because it is BAD.
I want a nudist friend, preferably an extremely eccentric girl. But myself I'd never show my lower body. And also, nude people scare me.
I kinda prefer girls with their clothes on, they look a lot prettier for some reason. Pretty clothes>skin.
This is getting long. Ask me more I can go on and on!