
Sep 15, 2009 22:25

[Kurogane wasn't one to go headfirst into anything that resembled a trap, but after staying put for quite a while in the room with no response from Fai (or anyone else from the outside world for that matter), he knew moving forward was the only way anything would get done.

He wasn't one to crawl on all fours into a tight space either, but it was starting to seem like any place was better than where he was.

He made it through, cracking his neck and grumbling as he worked out whatever needed to be done to his back after making it through the too-low tunnel. Surprise surprise, it essentially looked like the mansion again.

Well, that was a stupid, pointless trick to play.]

Tch. What the hell was that?

[I'm going to rebel and post what his world is like here since I'm so late orz. In his...
+ Teasing is at an all time low. It's not gone, but making fun of Kuro-tan has significantly dampened
+ No one speaks in riddles. They say what they mean and mean what they say (though that doesn't mean they have to be as blunt as him :|)
+ No one's all 'hail Kuro-tan' or anything like that, but they recognize him as the strongest person.
+ Fai, in particular, has his lie-o-metre at an all time low as well. He's more open and maybe even a little happier (for real). Fake smiles = gone. If he's feeling anything but happy, then he's going to show it.
+ For ~some~ reason, nicknames can still happen, but nothing ridiculous or that would negate the 'no teasing' clause I'm looking at you, Fai
+ While it's not Suwa or Tomoyo's grounds, the place definitely has a few more qualities inspired by Japan. Feel free to take that however you want.
+ p.s. there's no chance in hell of him getting buttons :|"

other wonderland event

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