Thoughts of gratuitous homicide...

Jul 19, 2005 23:06

Roughly one of you will understand this rant. And it will be because he's the one who put me in this murderous rage of mine, though inadvertantly. Stop reading here if you're easily offended by extremely colorful language. Okay, here goes:

Chris Claremont has to fucking die!!! And not just die, he needs to be killed in such a way that no other human being would DARE do what he has repeatedly done. Some thoughts on how to do this. He of course will be impaled. Through the lung. With my penis. Then he will be reanimated. So I can strangle him with his own unwound testicles. Resurrected again. I will then run Joel Schumacher through a thresher (another rant entirely), then I will force Mr. Claremont to eat him, making him choke on the remains of that hack. Yes, I will bring him back again. Death by 1000 cuts. God bless the Chinese.

Hmm. What else? Molested by a gorilla on PCP. Force him to watch Batman & Robin until his mind explodes (fucking Joel Schumacher), oooh! then I will vivesect him and replace his innards with pears from fruit cocktail!


And I'm spent.
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