Jun 27, 2005 09:10
I was too busy joining the melee. My nnja ranking is totally badass (meaning that I have already attained the ability to vanish in to thin air, fly, and kill armies of pirates in a blink of an eye. On the color coded ninja terror scale, that is a glowing blood red. The location of my dojo is Los Angeles although I frequently visit San Diego and Long Beach as well. I have to engage the pirates wherever they appear. There is, in fact, a very bitter rivalry between the ninjas and pirates here in Southern California, and I occasionally post pictures from these events where ninjas and pirates clash. I used to love in ninja house where we were at war with a pirate house, and many attacks were waged. Flags were stolen. Bathtubs were filled with popcorn. Waterguns were fired at people on rooftops in the middle of the night. Many lives were lost (on the pirate side). My favorite ninja past time is flipping out and shaking dancefloors with the Ninja Skillz DJ crew which will soon have a webpage up. I'll post the URL when it is done. Needless to say, it will be totally sweet.
Oh, and pirates suck.
it is about damn time