Jul 18, 2004 23:48
so today was one of the best days that ive had in a very very long time. it started with ben todd and i going crazy with our secret project, which is amazing. then a picnic, which i spent like twenty of my own dollars on, but it was definatly worth it. i bought two meat variety packs, which became a running joke throughout the night. i invited both liza and maud, which was really douchey on my part because they are both bery awkward around each other. but it really didnt turn out as badly as everyone thought it would, in fact i think it turned out very well. we saw a womens pantys. that was nice. i had a sandwich featuring every meat in the variety pack. that was tasty, but the fun really started when the rednecks showed up.
so i have no idea why, but maud decided that itd be smart to invite these really douchey lookinng guys to join our picnic. the guys pissed me off from the moment that the sat down. i told liza that i wanted to set the one guy's nuts on fire. he was just being a complete dumb asshole and totally hitting on liza, and not even being descrete about it. he was all like lets go to the water fountain because people over there are making out. and then when i told him to go away because no one liked him, he was like liza, want to come walk with us and that was even after maud told him that liza was my girlfriend. that really pissed me off, so i was just a complete asshole right back. he was like my name is ed, so i was like. ed more like: gives head.... to men. and he got soo pissed off because he was a homophobe asshole. so i called him a faggot, and he was about to kill me, and i kept calling him a faggot until he left.
he then came back, by himself and continued to be a douche, he hit on liza some more, and then i called him a faggot some more and told him to go back to west virginia in his pickup truck. but not before he asked if we were listining to tupac, and if maud was from "british"
he left but soon he came back with he posse of redeck loser friends. i called him a faggot somemore. he was just gonna go, but as he was walking away, i decided to call him a faggot one last time. and he came back and he was sooo pissed off, and got all up ma grill. i was like your wearing the official gay uniform: whit t-shirt and blue jeans. and hes like look what your wearing a red shirt. and im like excuse me, its a track jacket faggot, and i put my hand in his face, and hes all like get your hand outta my face. and then he got really pissed off and stole our soda. but i actually would have fought him. he was just really pissing me off, and i honestly think i could have taken him. and he was just being a total dick to both liza and maud.
well after that ben and todd left, and liza maud and i stuck around. we saw a lady meditating in the giant metalic bean and made fun of her. and then maud and liza prentended to be lesbian and i pretended to be gay, so that we could fuck with that homophobe preacher guy. he confirmed the fact that liza looks like a man.
and since everyone is doing it.........