i saw this bum today, and i started thinking about how much it would suck be to really poor; not having nice clothes, or television, or a computer. then i started thinking, that those things arent even really neccesary; that the only things that we really need are food, warmth, and happiness. but i realized taht theres just no way that we can have happiness without nice clothes and television and the internet; at least not in our society. it reminded me of that line from fight club. something about how eventually you stop owning the things that you own, and they start owning you. its just so true. its only after youve lost everything, that your free to do anything. i couldnt live without television, or the internet, or a cofee table in the shape of a yin yang or bowls with little bubbles in them (proof that they were made by the indegenous people of wherever), or my clever art. someday before i die, i have to hit rock bottom, just to see what its like, and i have to get into a fight, because i dont want to die without any scars. i want to loot the louvre and wipe my ass with the mona lisa. if you died right now, how would you feel about your life. imagine walking in a forest with a bow and arrow, hunting for elk next to the ruins of the townhomes and the shells of the long abandoned condiminiums. we are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place. we have no great war, no great depression. our great war is a spiritual one. our great depression is our lives. THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND ITS ENDING ONE MINUTE AT A TIME. on a long enough timeline, everyone survival rate drops to zero.