In December 19, 2007 a girl ran in front of my Daughter Gypsy's van. Right after the accident the girl panicking, like anyone would, ran off back to her house. The next day we find out Gypsy is being sued for 100,000 dollars. After two long years of crap, today March 23, 2010 the trial begins. Here starts my tale.
7:30 AM First off I've NEVER been to a trial before. Like, I've gone to court for a ticket, but this is totally different. Arriving at the court early to make sure everything runs smoothly. After Gypsy, Cinnamon, and myself talk for a while to try to ease our nerves.
8:00 I get bored so I walk up to the Court Docket. Now here's an amusing event. For those of you illiterate to how courts work at all, like I was before today, a docket is a big ass list of all the court cases, whose being trailed and for what. You find the obvious stuff first like pages of Divorces going on today alone which was pretty lame but then I find out that it's totally illegal to wear a mask in public in Virginia and someone is going to court for it hahaha seriously!!!! But as I went down the list I'd find more and more amusing things. Like sexual intercourse with the intent to transmit a disease. And Armed Robbery with... you guessed it Wearing a mask in Public. Virginia doesn't mess around with wearing masks apparently. Super Heroes be warned. But near the end of the list the docket got more depressing when I reached sodomy to a child under the age of 13 I got pissed off and walked away.
8:30 AM Both parties arrive and they have a quick dry run of what they're both going to state their cases about why Gypsy's guilty, why Gypsy isn't guilty, why the girl wasn't paying attention and ran into a moving car. That whole thing.
9:00 AM Trial time! Here's where I thought I'd hear the
Law & Order SVU traditional
*KACHUNG* noise and all of a sudden the trail starts. But no...... we wait....... wait for a while...... What are we waiting for. The Jurors. Which I didn't know is that they start with a large amount of people. Then narrow them down to 20 people then both sides (plaintiff and defendant) narrow it down yet again to the final number. Like a draft pick, or American Idol.
9:30 AM The trial officially starts. And I can't help but realize how much Gypsy lawyer looks like Warren Buffet. I wouldn't be surprised if it was him in disguise because he owns GEICO but what's actually happening at this point is boring. Also Objections in real court are no where as cool as
Ace Attorney.
11:00 AM OMG THIS TRIAL IS STILL GOING ON!!! All I can think of "If this was SVU the trail would be over now!?!" Once again real life sucks compared to TV.
1:00 PM The Judge orders lunch break. Since we're only 10 minutes from courthouse we go home to chill.
2:00 PM After returning from lunch both Cinnamon and Gypsy go on the stand. They were both driving to school when the accident happened. So Cinnamon was her witness.
3:00 PM the case is finishing up our, Lawyer Undercover Buffet, is using a barrage of lackluster objections to point out inconsistencies in the plaintiff's story
3:40 PM Both sides do their closing statements and the Jury goes to the Jury room thingie to make a verdict
4:20 PM The Jury finds in the favor of the defendant (Gypsy!!!) We drive to get Yoo-Hoo's to celebrate!!
And that's how I spent my day at court. It was a very insightful experience. And I hope I never have to got to a trial again. knowing my luck I'll get picked for jury duty next week.