12:05 PM 11/12/06 · It's so interesting how the littlest thing can cause conflict. Christianity is, more or less, Judaism with just the tiniest difference in opinion regarding who the Messiah is. I've even heard it said that there are those that think the fact that the heads of the Hebrew faith, back then...not now, were backing the Roman Empire in
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Bible passage: Isaiah 49:6
2. God promised another prophet like Moses
Bible passage: Deuteronomy 18:15-18
3. Isaiah foreshadowed the virgin birth of Jesus
Bible passage: Isaiah 7:14
4. The Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah
Bible passage: Genesis 49:10
5. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem
Bible passage: Micah 5:2
6. The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger
Bible passage: Isaiah 40:3
7. Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected
Bible passage: Daniel 9:24-26
8. The Messiah would enter Jerusalem while riding on a donkey
Bible passage: Zechariah 9:9
9. Jesus was betrayed by a friend
Bible passage: Psalm 41:9
10. Zechariah foreshadowed the betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Bible passage: Zechariah 11:12-13
11. The Messiah would suffer and be rejected
Bible passage: Isaiah 53:3
12. God's servant would be wounded and whipped
Bible passage: Isaiah 53:5
13. God's servant would be silent before His accusers
Bible passage: Isaiah 53:7
14. God's servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb
Bible passage: Isaiah 53:9
15. God's servant would be crucified with criminals
Bible passage: Isaiah 53:12
16. Jesus was spat upon and beaten
Bible passage: Isaiah 50:6
17. Psalm 22 foreshadowed the crucifixion of Jesus
Bible passage: Psalm 22:1,7,8,16,17,18
18. Zechariah foreshadowed the crucifixion of Jesus
Bible passage: Zechariah 12:10
19. Isaiah foreshadows the ministry of Jesus
Bible passage: Isaiah 61:1-2
20. Jesus' resurrection was foreshadowed in Old Testament
Bible passage: Psalm 16:10-11
How long was Jesus alive before the Messiah tag was attached?
Before he was born. but it is more dominent when he turned 30 and got baptized by john the baptist.
When Jesus was established as the Messiah, what was it about him that made some of the faithful disbelieve this?
Jesus, was destined to be the messiah, before he was born. he went off the radaar for a few years, and then when he turned thirty he got baptized by john the bap.... Why some of the faithful disbelive it? well its alot like today. Jesus stepped on toes, and while the "faithful" of the day looked good, Jesus knew they werent. They didnt like what Jesus was preaching, because it made them look bad. Just read the gosples, and youll get why i think that. People havent changed. Many people still dont like jesus, and dont believe in him...beacause well they think either its to good to be true, or its a contradiction....which it isnt.
On the offchance they make another movie, and you know they will, who do you think should play Jesus?
hmmm. i dont konw. i think it would be cool if mel gib. actually played Jesus :D
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