First and most important.
Happy Knitt and Crochet in Public Day!!!
Actucally Most Important...
My Mom and cousin are my newest recuits (yeah Mom I said it! I've seen your Yarn Monster, "No Excuse DRILL SGT!!"!) in my Wonderful Army Of Hookers. My cousin Angelica found me over in FaceBook this week I was so happy and felt so stupid because why hadn't I thought to do that a long time ago!? Oh yeah, cause I stink at computers...well off point I'mma going..
She saw the photos of the preemie stuff and got all excited about it. All crazy and wrote to me she was so proud of me, was thinking of contacting the media!!! That freaked me out because it's not like that so I wrote her and said I'd teach her to hook so she could help with the drive as well as get her mind off calling Kent Dana hoping that would dristact her thoughts. ((Yeah for scoring points for the summer contest by the way!!))
Next week Jamie is going to be working at the power plant so I'm going to hitch a ride with him to her house one day when he's on the way to work. Spend the day catching up and teaching her crochet then Jamie will pick me up when he gets off work. It should be a GREAT day!
*giggle* I kinda signed you up to make hats for a drive Jessica (from work) is holding without telling you first. She put out flyers at work all over the place saying she was holding a drive for Troops, you know how she just got out of the Army and all. She was asking for playing cards, toilettes, whatever anyone can dontate. ((By the way, Donna, Loyane and Susan said basicly "How do you know she's going to send the stuff off and not just keep it? I'm not going to give her anything" Can you believe that!!??))
She wants to send the stuff out on the 22nd. The hookers so far have all been working on personal projects and she didn't give us much of a warning so I asked her if it was okay if we made hats during the month of July to give her to send out. She said yeah, this was just the frist of many drives she wanted to do. No worries, I'm going to get you some yarn.
Raymond is all about making hats for the cause, he was all about it once I brought it up but he'd be making hats if I told him to anyway because he does whatever I TELL him to do like a good submissive. As for myself, I want to make 1 hat each day during July as well as keep up on the 1 outfit per day thing. I plan to inform Raquel and Derik that it's time for them to "PAY" me for the crochet lessons. I of course have to tell them that because I talk to all my hookers like they are MY hookers and I'm their Pimp, but I don't think Raquel and Derik will have a problem with it as in the end they all know it's for a good cause.
It is Vanessa who will be the one I'll have to really get on.
If you don't 'Nessa you SUCK!!! ((I know your gonna read this!!!!!) I know you where pretending not to listen to me when Raymond and I where saying that if you don't help us then your in favor of the evil doers! If you don't make at least ONE hat I'm going to nag you each night and get RAYMOND doing it to you as well, I know you can deal with me but I KNOW you will be going crazy with Ray doing it! RRRAHAHAHAHA!
*evil laugh*
Next Month should be a VERY good month for Team AZ indeed!