My dream...

Apr 24, 2009 15:31

I just had a crazy dream I'm going to write about before I forget it.

I was at the White House and got to meet the President and his kids.  I saw Michelle but never spoke to her, scared to bother her.  Some kind of big party going on in the living area of the house.  People all over the place and for some reason I kept thinking it was some kind of easter party without the eggs, candy and all the kids.

Motley Crue was there and performed a song for us.  After that I never saw Vince Neil again but ran into Nikki and Mick a few times.  Nikki Sixx (I loved him back in the day) kept talking to me and I could tell that he thought I was cool.  I told them how much I loved their music but didn't mention how I haven't bought any of their stuff since Dr. Feelgood because Nirvana killed the hair bands....but...haha!  Nikki talked to me for sometime.  I thought Mick Mars looks better in real life (haha I thought it was real life) then I thought he would.  No wonder he looked so good it was a dream!  He was quiet but seemed happy when I told him I was a fan.

There was some kind of crazy relay race going on.  Obama's oldest daughter hands me the baton and I start this crazy race around the outside and though the inside of the white house.  It wasn't marked very well where you had to run and I was going to win but got kicked off because I went off track 3 times.  I was thinking as I begged the Secert agent that told me I was out to please let me stay in..."You can't even tell where your supposed to be running." that they must have had under covers all over the place because I saw no one as I ran around.  I didn't tell him his boss's kid was on my team because I didn't think that was something Obama would want me to do.  haha!  I did show him my wedding rings and said "I got married a year ago SUNDAY and didn't get a honeymoon and your going to be like that because I just stepped 3 inches off a track you can't even see!?? oooh PLLEEEASE let me stay in the race!  It's not even fair to kick anyone out of this!  Where's the track!?"  I finally gave up but man the prize was a trip for 2 to Hawaii!!!

Defeated, I walk with Violet to some bleachers that looked like the bleachers in in my high school gym but very very ratty.  Nikki Sixx and Mick Mars where sitting at the top.  I smile at Nikki but don't want to bother him like the crazy fan I could be if I let things get out of control and sit down with Violet to watch the crazy house party.  I hear Nikki tell Mick "That Melanie girl crazy cool."  He points me out to Tommy as we start to sit down.

Violet leaves.  Vanessa and I are walking around and up runs the youngest Obama child.  She starts to tell us that we all get free memberships to some place that's like a resturant/Y.M.C.A.  She tells us it was "Mr. Bush's idea!" and is very happy to be the one running around handing out their free memberships. I look at the paper and see it's for Tex-Mex food!  I think of course it's funny, of course Bush would choose Tex-Mex...I think how much I hate Tex-Mex and George Bush Jr. but how I'm going to have to tell Violet (from Texas) again how much I'm scared of Texas.

We see The President and his wife walking around giving some people a tour of the nice Presidental area.  Vanessa and I both just stand there watching, not wanting to get in the way acting the fool and end up starting another war with who knows who!  They leave and I don't know where Vanessa goes.

The place looked like a trailor or soemthing.  I kept thinking there was no way this was where the Obama's slept at night, surely it was there since they built the White House and just didn't take it down.  It felt like the kids where using it as some huge club house. Cob-webs in some areas.  There was a oak door with great carvings.  It had a huge "J" in the middle of it.  Funny that now I'm thinking it stands for Jamie, beautiful door with dust all over it.  During the dream though I was thinking it was made for Hoover and had a strong feeling I was right.

The only parts of the White House I saw that looked like the White House was all off limits.

I walked into some room and it seems I must have missed some kind of crazy thing with Motley Cure and some groopies.  Mick Mars tells me it was too bad I wasn't around.  He's talking of Nikki and how Nikki would have picked me.

He walks away and Violet walks up.  I tell her what Mick said to me then tell her, "Eww I wouldn't have done that anyway!  I read their band book, you know they all have STDs.  I'd be his friend though but I'd never sleep with him!  Don't they know I'm holding off for Enrique?"

We watch some kid running out into what looks like some country road in the back yard.  There are ladies chasing the kid screaming like she's going to get hit by the truck that is driving on it.  Screaming and chasing her like she's going to die even though the kid is really far away from the road.  Violet and I decide to go after then so to calm their foolishness.  Violet cases one I case the other.  I don't know where that other lady was running, you think they'd both be running towards the kid.  I'm about 100 feet from catching the lady when she slips.  He starts to scream and I see she's broken her toe.  It's a long toe, as long as a finger and all twisted.  I start running up the hill yelling medics.  No one can hear me.  Then I hear a agent saying people need to be a little more quiet because if someone yells for help they won't hear it.  I yell "MEDICS" again I see they hear me and then

I wake up!
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