Yea for being DONE!

Feb 19, 2009 20:43

In the meantime I was also working on the old sets as well, mostly to get done with all my yarn.  I'm much faster at the older sets.

23 sets total and one that is missing mittens.  I ran out of the yarn. 

13 blocks for WUA.

New Count for the New Year!
232 Preemie sets!

I also wanted to post up some pictures of "my Crew"
'cause they are so AWESOME!

Violet on her 3rd attempt at the blanket she's making for her newphew.  I told her when she said she started it over AGAIN that she's "old school" like Vanessa and myself!!  Almost proud of her, but I understand.  She wants to make it so she's happy with it.  Vanessa and I would get a lot of crap from people after we'd spend 3 weeks on a blanket then decide to do something else and rip it out. I saw it as practice if anything and I wouldn't want to finish it if I wasn't happy with how it was coming out.

It's weird that after 5 years of crocheting at work and seeing I don't know how many people come into work and decide to crochet along with us who don't care how their end project looks.  I'm always happy to have another hooker with us and was always happy to help with what I could but almost SHOCKED to see how many people didn't care if they where doing something wrong and give a scarf to a loved on that was really way off!  I"m talking it was like they had 40 stiches at the start and would do beginner mistakes, ending up in a scarf that ends with 29 stiches so it's SO CROOKED and then say.

"Oh well I'm going to give it to them it's the thought that counts!"

Okay to a POINT, I mean really that is true to a point but if someone gives you a pile of $hi! for your birthday is it still the thought that counts??

As far yarn goes and people knitting or crocheting, I love to look at other people's work.  Everything I've seen on the Internet (I'm just saying mostly for those of my on-line friends who post yarn art in no way am I talking about any one of you because from what I've seen of your work you are all very GOOD and actually inspired me to move along to new patterns) has been really good work.

I'm talking about a lady who told Vanessa she was crocheting wrong then asked me what the heck I was doing when she saw me chaining up to start a new row.  Turns out she didn't know you where supposed to chain up to start a new row, she'd just turn the blanket and keep going.  It made her stuff look bumpy on the sides and I'm not sure if that also means she might have been losing stiches.  She almost accused me of doing it wrong!  I thought it was funny.  She was not one of my "students" she said she used to crochet when she was 9 or something.  Vanessa thought it was funny as well.  That lady accused us of not knowing what we where doing.  Granted at the time I saw myself as not that good.  All I had ever made was blankets.

This lady also once made a scarf that was SO LONG!!
Okay what I am about to write is not a lie!  If Vanessa or Doug could tell you they would say it was the truth as they SAW this scarf she made.

She was about 6 feet tall at least, really tall lady, she wrapped this scarf around her neck at LEAST 4 TIMES, it fell to the FLOOR and looked like there was at LEAST a foot and a half of scarf just piled around her feet!  She then streched it out from where she was sitting ALL THE WAY TO DOUG who was sitting in the superviors seat which is at least 15 feet AWAY!!

She then asked us if she thought her friend would like it!!
I didn't know what to say!!!  It was so LONG you could have wrapped yourself up like a MUMMY I am NOT lying!!!!
Also done in that yarn you see at wal-mart that looks all cruly and like throw up.  The yarn you think "Who buys that?"
But I won't even get into THAT!!!

Doug spoke up RIGHT away with no problem.
"Oh yeah that's PERFECT, where I come from it snows and everyone has scarfs like that in those colors too!"

and she was SO HAPPY to hear him say that.  Vanessa and I didn't have the heart to ask her if she had made it for the Statue of Libery!

I mean WHAT should I have said?  RIGHT?  Later we asked Doug what was up with that and he said of course he was messing with her!  It must have been at least 30 feet LONG!!

That was just one person!  OH MY I can't believe how many others there have been!  It's almost 9:30 though, Violet will be here soon so I'll kept that for another time.  What I started to get at was it was nice to see Violet putting such time into getting it right. In the end it's worth it because you end up with something pefect.

You also don't waist yarn on a 30 foot scarf!

Back to business....

Vanessa working a bootie for her grandbaby!  Ummm....Yeah you'd should be able to finish the second one tonight!!!  NO  EXCUSE DRILL SGT!!!

As for Raymond...

Mitten class for him tonight!  He's going to make two mittens to go with the booties he made last week.  They where all warned last night Mitten class is tonight.  I don't know if I'll actually make them do it thought, 'Nessa would be nervous working on the bootie without me there so she'll have to work on that tonight.  Her grandbaby is staying with her until Sunday and...

and that would suck if you dangled it over her head like a toy because you didn't make her a full set LIKE YOU DID THAT ONE YEAR!!!  BAD GRANDMA BAD!

Are you still reading this Vanessa?  ((Oh yeah she will because her ass is going to be in the supervisor seat tonight and I'm going to pull this post up and have her read it!!!)))

So get your ass to work and finish the BOOTIES already!

Yeaaa!!  She how cute it's looking!!!  She knows she's proud of it!!!  So get to it SLACKER!!

'nessa, sweat shop, violet, yarnsense, count, 1000, v&r

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