Jan 28, 2007 23:07
a quick update before i get back to studying and then bed.
i enjoy watching movies on TBS and AMC with roomate. old romantic comedies from the 90's (more on the comedy side, like happy gilmore).
speaking of old movies, back to future is on. i have a crush on michael j fox. who doesnt?
went home this weekend. my mom is going to vietnam until march so it was nice to see her before she left. got some gatoraide to take with my to school, buddhist eggrolls (which are different from vegetarian eggrolls because i dont know... different recipe?)
had breakfast with mark. the plan was to go to house of pies to get the weekend eggs benedict but it was crowded. so we just went to einstein bagels. good still but i wanted eggs bene. hung out with joanna. we went to hobbit and then watched smoking aces. a lot of people went to see the movie and think many of us had the same reaction. the movie was alright. not amazing though which is dissappointing because having so many people at the theatre made me excpet something more.
i think that if i ever did grafitti and had a theme for my tags it would either be something campy like awesome slogans from degrassi "IT GOES THERE" or a rat theme. im like the idea of the rat theme. ill have tags like "R.U.S", "RAT KING", "RATATAT", "RATATOSK", "THE RECUERS", "RATTRAP".
im excited! may ill use this idea with my JetGrindRadio costume!