Apr 08, 2004 17:23
ouch ouch ouch i have a really bad sore throat. and if i get real sick i'm gonna punch someone in the face.
about my day: i worked. i did laundry at my moms. she gave me lots of stuff plus my new sandals came in. now i'm tired and i feel like shit. also it is really warm in my house and stuffy. which kinda makes it smell weird. gross. i want to go sit on the porch for a while and read. my mom let me borrow another book but i think i left it on her table. i'm real spaced out lately.
my dog likes to eat paper. and the way he randomly got real hyper in the middle of the night last night and woke me up by running in circles around my room (complete with jumping up on the bed and running over me) kinda makes me feel weird. like maybe the ghost was playing with him. because he never gets that hyper without being provoked.
my sister got her hair cut by adrienne today and i'm real jealous now. i'm so lame that i keep forgetting to call and make an appointment.
also- my mom listens to really bad music. just in case you were wondering. and she's trying to talk me into buying my duda's house. right- because my credit isn't total shit.