To mark the day

Sep 11, 2007 08:01

In remembrance:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007. (It'll be Wednesday in Japan, to the States' Tuesday...)

It's the first time that this date has fallen on a Tuesday, the actual day the attacks happened. For the West Coast, it happened at 6:30 in the morning. I remember watching all the clips on TV. The second Tower was still standing when I woke up...but an hour and a half later, it collapsed, live on TV.

It looked like a column of sand crumbling.

I remember looking the original cover page for the Seattle Times September 11th newspaper. It had two kids jumping off the dock into the water. The view was taking from behind. You had legs and swim trunks curled and ready to hit water. The sun was shining off the surface, the real center of the picture. The theme was "last blast of summer" or something equally silly at first. It rings morbid now.

I should have kept that first newspaper.


I honestly believe that the U.S. government has, to be honest, screwed up. Yes, with the money, yes with the management of the armed forces.

But most importantly, with NOT putting faith in people. Believing that everyone has the capacity and the will to build connections in other countries; to work across party lines and money and class. Most days, I sense there's a lack of hope in ever ending the deaths. No hope in ever bringing the mastermind(s) (it's not just Bin Laden anymore). No hope in ever getting out of Iraq.

If I sound stupid for saying this, fine.

But this war is gonna end.

The people who masterminded the attacks, as well as continue to abet the violence through fear, greed and neglect (both sides again), will one day be brought to justice.

The world will find closure...if not peace.

This I do believe.

I won't settle for anything else.

real life

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