This post brought to you by...junkfood! :D

Feb 23, 2007 19:34

I've never been so excited for the weekend...ah, SLEEP! XD XD XD I managed to fit in a massage therapy session up in Kamenoko (sorry shigeruhiko that I couldn't make Tsuyama D:) and came back in time to check the flist.

It's been so long since I started here in Kumenan. Nearly 3 years, deshou? Apparently, my being out and about is still the talk of my town.

Lunch with my 2nd graders:

"Sensei! I saw you at Happy Mart!!"
"Sensei! You were at 7-11! On your bike. I turned and watched you goooo." (makes the 'looking' motion with his head)

Me: "OMG cute." XD;;;

And today AT 7-11, I ran into one of the clerks there. She's a cutie pie and was definitely dressed for the weekend. As I said bye to her, she told me, "Oh, sensei! You were in Kamenoko an hour ago!" (Um, yes) "I saw you from my car!"

Me: *Why does everyone know where I go???*

Children and adults tell me all the time where they've seen me. If I am with a guy friend (like Sujoy last year), the kids make winks and go, "Oh, sensei, how kakkoi!" *rolls eyes* Come on, people.

But I can't complain. I won't have to see Hell Class for another two Wednesdays. One of my 'work periods' was drawing pictures of spring with my second graders. I made a pretty kick-ass purple flower. Other days I sing songs at recess or play tag during gym. Besides teaching English.

...Yes, sometimes that is my JOB.

Another random aside: there's another tenant moving into the 3rd portion of my ghetto garage-cum-apartment building. shigerhiko, angel1770, you KNOW what my apartment's like. But the new tenants are a family of 4. WTH, people? I don't care how much junk I have, this place wouldn't hold 4 people. Hell, Tiffany next door has the BIGGEST room of our building. O_O;; My space + 3 more people? This doesn't sound good!

But the movers have come in and starting next weekend, they're gonna be living there. Wonder if I should bring any special present thing? Granted, I kinda don't care...but since I have to pass by their door every time I want to get to mine, I think it would be kinda nice to give them something.

See you tomorrow shigeruhiko (Akatsuki stuff! I want AKATSUKI STUFF!). And the other ninja, kusoninja has snuck into Japan again! Woot!

Food for thought: Celebrating the Hinamatsuri

Is this not the most delicious cake ever? By 7-11, no less! I should know, I ate them 30 minutes ago. ♥

japan, lazy, real life

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