So, I've got a work in progress up at Life's been fucked up, and I haven't been writing, but I have been working my program and fucking an addict, so there's that. Learned a lot about anal. Good times. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep writing it, but this one is coming very slowly.
Title: Recovery in Twelve Acts
Author: Psammead
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Cas has been MIA since the whole Leviathan fiasco. Dean and Sam have to learn to cope in a world without demons after God comes home and cleans house post-Godstiel. Sam seems to adjust pretty well, Dean does not.
Notes/Warnings: Destiel, and Sabriel. Alcohol abuse, and then recovery. I wouldn't call it fluff or drama. Maybe flama? Druff? I dunno. Spoilers up to 7.02. I just always kinda wonder when I watch the boys drink on the show, what would happen if the world was saved and Dean had to face up to his alcoholism? The Sabriel part just sorta… happened. Inspired by gedry's 12 Steps, which can be found here: Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural in any way, shape or form, and this is why. (This = gay sex)