Oct 27, 2009 14:13
Ya know what guys? I vent. Sure, what I say may be incredibly inappropriate, but GUESS WHAT??? I don't kill people. SURPRISE!!!!
On a (completely unrelated I swear) different note, restraining orders are stupid when the person being restrained didn't even attempt to come into contact with the person placing the restraining order. In fact, the restrained is doing everything in her power to stay AWAY from the restrainer. -_-;;; Guys, y'all's morons.
Now said restrained person is not allowed to come in to contact with the restrainer's friends. Some might say "Wait one minute, isn't the restrained's friends the same people as the restrainer's friends? Wouldn't that mean that the person placing the restraining order is, in effect, taking away all of the restrained's friends in one fell sweep?" And those people saying those things would be incredibly accurate.
Welcome to my life. It sucks and is a black hole of despair. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.