Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans

Nov 18, 2010 00:25

Hai guys!

This is a life!update post-ish thing so bear with me if it gets long. Or don't. Feel free to not read this also.

I'm taking a break from NaNo to do this which is precious!time because if anyone's been following I am SO behind. But I need to take a break a moment to get this out somewhere. I hate to feel like you guys know nothing about me because most of you mean lots and lots to me. ♥
Okay, first item on the agenda. Hey, you know what? Let's do this with bullet points.

- I am STILL ill. If you didn't know I was ill then I've had this cough/cold/thing for going on 7 weeks now. A doctor gave me a 7 day stint of antibiotics because he said it would clear up the chest infection and it seemed to be working but now I just feel the same as I did before. And I can't be bothered going back there because I've been to the doctors so much this year and I'm really getting sick of it and I'm sick of being ill. Oh, on a doctor note, my specialist gynaecologist appointment is in a sexual health centre. Not too pleased about the potential for looking like I have an STI in the waiting room/ entering the building >:|.

- Wow, okay, these are going to be long. My SECOND point is that I have recently become a crazy person. This is due to many reasons. The first is Glee. Okay, so I liked Glee. I had a nice, casual interest in the show. I would watch it when it was on and I would listen to the song and I would laugh at the jokes and it was a fandom I liked but I never considered myself a Gleek. Then this series rolled around. And Darren Criss segwayed from one of my favourite internet fandoms onto Glee. And now I'm obsessed. That episode was just so amazing (I haven't seen this weeks yet so no spoilers please!) and Darren was such a good actor andsohotomgskintightjeans and I couldn't believe how well he played a gay guy and how much chemistry he had with Kurt and BAM! it became my favourite ship (of the moment, these things change.) I would waste some more of your time and link videos and pictures I've found but I don't want you to know how much of a crazy person I am.

-The next one is I GOT A JOB! Now, whilst this is both EXCITING and A GOOD THING, it is also HELLISH. It's a basic promoting gig and I never quite realised how bad leafleting was until I did in the rain when people are mean. One of the single worst things I've had to endure for money, I'm serious. We also don't seem to get much direction and we have 6000 of these postcards to shift by the 30th and I just can't see it happening. The girl I work with is called Seraphina, which is awesome in itself, but she's really not my kind of person. I mean, she's lovely, don't get me wrong. She's just ditzy and a fresher and she's very pretty and likes to flaunt it (not always bad but :/).

-LASTLY, lastly? I think that's it- anyway- Let's talk about Nano. No? Well I'm going to talk about Nano anyway. I really wanted to finish this year, I still do. I'm so behind and I have so much to catch up on and I am so tired but I am determined to do this and I think it might be affecting my work but I don't care. That's bad, right? Plus, a really really subcharacter has suddenly taken on a life on his own and there is definitely sexual tension between him and my male main character and I really wasn't expecting it and I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. I didn't mean much romance to play a part of the novel but now I'm not sure I can avoid it and who am I to get in the way of fate?

/Rambles. Sorry guys, I just wanted to get this down somewhere. I'm guessing most of you won't read this anyway which is probably good because you don't need to see how insane I am.

illness, job, glee, crazy, nanowrimo, doctors, life!update

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