Mar 25, 2010 13:34
Okay so I had the most intense day yesterday. Here is why:
Right, so first thing on Wednesday I have my Old English semina/lecture/class thing from 9-11am and we had a general knowledge quiz (ILOVEQUIZZES<3) and ate lots of chocolate, like loads- think a truckload and then add a bit more, and we drank mead. Which is 14.5 percent and takes like nectar from the gods. Best. Drink. Ever. Also, you know, best ever lesson ever ever.
SO those who have been following my tweets know that I've been doing an epic essay of epic these last few days for Old English (over 3000 words O_O) and I was pumped to hand it in straight after the class at which point I catch up with some of my friends from Creative Writing who were hanging around. I'm going to transcribe the conversation that occured, except it didn't really happen this way but imagine it did:
Me: So what are you doing here then?
Other: Oh, handing in editing.
Me: Oh right (thinks: they must just be early)
*talk for about 5 minutes about editing* *maili starts to worry a little bit*
Me: So...this is officially in for tomorrow though, right?
Other: Erm, no. It's in for today. The deadlines half 12.
*time being 11*
So then I ran home, got back at 11:25 slammed out about 900+ words in 35 minutes, printed it and then ran back. Did I get there on time? Hell to the yes I did. With a minute to spare as well.
Feeling afterwards: ELATION, relief and what I believe was the return of the mead-buzz
And then I bought lunch from the farmers market- so good. Relaxed for a while because my nerves were basically shot.
When I got home me and Izzy ended up spending about 2 hours sat on the sofa debating what to do with our afternoon. That process went as follows:
Ikea-> Ikea and drinks-> Late night Ikea and drinks-> Just drinks-> Drinks and a movie-> Drinks and cheesecake and a movie.
Awesometimes it was.
And then to end my evening perfectly, Sarah called and we had awesome conversation times as usual and I am as excited as a 5 year old with glue and glitter and crayons and paint about visiting her in July.
Yeah, so filled with the JOYS OF SPRING after all that.
joys of spring,
i'm an idiot,
why do i leave things to the last minute