Wandering Bank of Boston Beauty Queen:

Dec 25, 2004 09:19

Word Association

-dog - shit
-brown - shit
-hot - sex
-water - good
-bed - sex
-flower - allergies
-cold - pretty snow
-love - is not good enough
-cow - milk
-black - fat
-car - in my driveway
-ring - money
-God - Sam Black Church
-friend - Heather
-swim - fan
-rock - scissors
-sweet - as candy
-bad - love
-tree - paper
-school - superb
-summer - yay
-picture - im photogenic
-fast - sex
-boat - canoe
-shower - shattering our innocence like a bullet through the back
-feather - blood
-ear - 4 guage
-vomit - DRUNK!!
-baby - shit
-light - dark
-blood - stained

Do You...

-have a boat? - ....yes....
-have a pool? - nah
-have cable? - pff, no
-watch mtv? - i cant
-sleep nude? - sometimes haha
-have a waterbed? - i wish
-like cookies? Mmm....cookies.
-have DVDs? - Yeah, a few.
-like cheese? - Yep
-have a watch? - Yes
-have icq? - FUCK NO.
-sing in the shower? - love too.
-have a cell phone? - my mom does..
-keep a photo album? - i used too
-drink water? - I <3 Water
-like roller coasters? - ::throws hands in the air:: WOOO!! THIS IS SUCH A COOL RIDE!!
-drive? - i can, yes, legally? no.
-have a best friend? - Yes, 3
-know what TVU is? - no
-listen to online radio stations? - i havent done that in years.
-send e-mail forwards? - fuck no, i hate forwards
-like the heat? only when its really cold in my room and im curled up in my blankets


-How many times do you update your journal? - once or twice a day sometimes
-How many hours do you spend on here? - alot, cuz its in my room and my room is where i escape reality, even though i cant really escape cuz it sucks.
-How does your journal look? - colorful and a picture in the background
-How many icons do you have? - icons? uhh...3 i think...
-Can you do any of those cool lj over rides? - im html illiterate
-Do you have music on your journal? - fuck that shit
-Do you update your journal with font colors? if i knew how
-How many communities do you belong to? - one, that i made, but never use
-Do you remember your very first entry? - no
-When did you join LJ? i dont remember
-How many LJ friends do you have? - craptons
-Is your journal public or friends' only? public, i dont care if people read it, i rarely put anything private in it.

Have You Ever...

-bunji jumped? - fuck that shit!
-gotten a tattoo? - i have 3
-sky dived? - FUCK THAT SHIT!! times 2.
-skinny dipped? - yes ^_^
-gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole? - yeah, i do that 3 maybe 4 times a day.
-had pop rocks and coke together? - haha
-played truth or dare? - Yeah
-kissed for more than 10 minutes at one time? - mmhmm, i like make-out sessions alot
-made a prank phone call? - yeah, and i've also had my house pranked. by a long blonde haired bastard child.
-flashed someone? haha yes
-stolen anything? - of course
-sped? - yeah
-set anything on fire? - mmm...yes
-eaten snow? - Yeah, i did at sean's birthday party with taylor cuz we were off getting drunk and had nothing to hide our breath so we ate snow
-puked on someone you really liked? - haha, yeah, myself. wait i dont like my self too mcuh.
-eaten pure sugar? - ugh, i hate sugar
-mixed sodas together? - yeah!
-had sushi? - no..
-worn a thong or speedo bathing suit? - speedo...once..
-hung up on someone? - yeah, heather last night accidentally.
-used all cuss words in a sentence? - fucking right.
-had the cops called on you? - haha yeah
-stayed up for more than 24 hrs straight? - i used to do that alot
-stood on your head and drank milk? - i drink milk standing on my feet. i cant stand on my head.
-cried during a movie? - yeah..
-swallowed gum? - Yea
-gotten tongue tied? - Yeah
-said, "I love you" and not meant it? yes
-eaten glue? - hahaha yes, gluesticks
-slept for more than 15 hrs? - i did that alot when i was going out with colin
-been on a train? - mmhmm, i was in mass and i was carrying beer in my pockets, i had to hold my pants up, it was amsuing.

Finish the Sentence

-I would like to go to...- Australia
-I want...- to graduate highschool, and to be a straight A student
-I need...- to stop skipping school and do my schoolwork
-more than anything I...- right now, i wanna play my brother's new XBox with him but hes being a bastard.
-If I won the lottery...- i'd get a car, lots of alcohol, and pot, and other drugs...
-I see...- that my room's starting to get messy and i should clean it before it gets on my nerves.
-My dream concert would be...- free, not chem-free, and lots of free alcohol
-The last thing I did was...- answer that question up there^^
-The last person I hugged was...- Duce at the mall the other day
-I yelled at...- my brother for not sharing his XBox
-I kissed...- oh...that was a long time ago....uhh...Jon from where-ever...
-I cried when...- i listen to Johnathan Rice
-If I could have one pet it would be...- a sweet talking parrot that sits on my shoulder and screams profanity at people
-Last night...- I sat at home....and got drunk
-Right now...- I'm filling out this livejournal thing and talking to Drew and Tom and listening to "Half of What" by And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Love is...- not enough, i want photographs, something that can withstand the effects of time, and time again.
-I hate...- relationships
-My favorite phrase is...- "I'm only giving you this cigarette because I want you to die"
-The last person I saw was...- friend - Jenny, relative: mom
-My parents...- are my parents.
-God is...- fake.
-My favorite sport is...- ....
-My favorite band is...- Dresden Dolls and Nirvana and Same Black Church and Acid Bath
-I last ate...- chocolate raspberry
-I'd like to...- get really drunk
-On a scale of 1-10, I rate this survey...- 4. i've had better surveys.
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