Fuck Wide Open West cable and (once again)Fuck Live Journal. I was browsing some friends LJs, and then was gonna update mine last night. First, LJ's Santa Cluster goes out or some other BS, and i just happen to be a part of said cluster :/. So, i wasn't able to view my journal and update, and when i tried to post in the friend's LJ, it said something to the effect of it not being able to make the post. But when i finally got to the screen, it sent about 5-7 blank posts, plus the one that went through. So, as i was trying to delete all the extra ones it sent through, my internet connection goes out for some "maintenance" by WOW. This was at approximately 12:35AM......i still had no connection when i went to sleep 5 hours later!!! So yeah, THAT all was gay. It DID however, give me a chance to sit(well, lay) down and work out some ideas to go in an article i'll be writing with Cactus that'll go up on both sites, so give a look at
TooManyChairShots.com soon and look for the article(as well as anything else he puts up over there).
Oh, just as I was about to hit update and post this, WOW fucked me again and my cable went out completely...so, yay WOW....fucking bullshit....We pay them roughly $130 a month, and can't even get mediocore service, just flat-out shitty service...Bah, fuck it, this entry's done!