Jun 13, 2008 04:52
I fucking hat Fort Worth code enforcement. Why is it that we have no rat, or grackle, or roach, or mosquito, or fly eradication plans, but apparently, we have cat and dog eradication plans. They ended up taking my guard dog, and if we try and get him back, he'll be neutered. If he is neutered, he will be less aggressive towards those he does not know, thus worse at his job as a GUARD. AND apparently, we cannot have kittens, or puppies. City seems to think that you're breeding rodents if you breed animals. Plus, there was this forge in my backyard, now only the stuff their team couldn't lift, or didn't get to is still there. They got the order from a warrant to remove scrap metal, and debris from my home's yards. Since when were beautifully forged stakes scrap metal? I hope my family sues them. Then again, they can bend the courts. God, life sucks! In other news, my sister Jiyu was contemplating suicide. Now she contemplates public humiliation of FW TX Code Enforcement a la Colbert.