I have been having terrible insomnia lately... I really don't know what to do with myself lately because when I do sleep I have fitful nightmares and wake up frequently but the rest of the time I just stay awake for hours, maybe I should try a different kind of ganja? The last 3 dreams I have had were about hiding bodies, breaking my current computer by accidentially smashing it into a brand new computer, and sneaking over the boarder. I am going to start rearranging my journal and my friend groups so that I can feel comfortable in my old LJ again. Some of you will be seeing more of me and some of you less, I hope that this can become a place where I express my joys, hopes, and victories as much as I express the other parts of my life. Because I don't know how to capture the ways my life has transformed with words I'm thinking about doing a couple of Day in My Life photo posts. I'm also thinking about making a switch to tumblr or blogger, anyone use those and wanna add me there?
In attempt to familiarize you, here is a picture from October of me and a few of my friends on an abandoned boat. I am the one with the big dorky scarf and my 2 closest girlfriends are next to me Pinche is on the left and AlNatural is on the right. Pinche is my wife, she and I live a couple cities away but that doesn't stop us from cooking for each other, lavishing attention, or thoughtful gifts upon one another. AlNatural is just as close to me as my Wife Pinche but shes not one to be tied down so we joke that shes our mistress. Al turned me on to hooping and I have known her a lot longer, recently I have been teaching her tarot and it has been very rewarding to have a student who can read for me. We take turns playing big sister and coaching each other through life; she is one of the most balanced and reciprocal friendships I've ever had. Throughout the past year we have all played an important role in each others lives, these girls are the ones who see my beauty when I am most ugly, the love in my heart when I hate myself and they are always there to celebrate my triumphs! We are the Scizz Krew! SCIZZOR ME TIMBERZ! Setting our own status quo as women! We have created a dynamic of loving appreciative confident goddess energy that multiplies itself when we are around each other. A lot of other women we know have really picked up on it and I feel like there is more of a sense of sisterhood in my friend group thanks to those two ladies. Being single hasn't been easy but to be honest my girlfriends nurture me way more than any boyfriend ever has. Who else could make me feel so lucky and loved? <3 <3 <3