Ugh. Today was rough at work... The bunch of NYC morons I spent all week last week chasing for documents seemed genuinely surprised that they screwed up the deal I've been working on by giving us the info we needed 72 hours late. I spent all day trying to salvage things, and expect to look like a complete idiot when the house of cards I spent all day today building falls apart again tomorrow morning. Dealing with these jokers has reminded me of Monthy Python's
Cheese Shop sketch... it's sad that I can't end this whole charade by shooting them.
The day's bright spot was an unexpected call from
sharpshootah, who I'd barely talked to in the past year. The rush you get after talking with a friend you hadn't spoken to in a long time as though nothing at all has changed has to be one of the best feelings in the world. Hopefully I'll be getting together with her later in the week to catch up. The whole episode makes me want to get back in touch with a dozen people I've lost track of in the last couple years-- Mike A., Rachel F., Yogi and Liz, Andy and Lily, and others... I'll have to sort through my Palm address list this weekend and get on the phone. If you're reading this and we haven't hung out in a while, give me a call... I've actually got free time again these days.