So, how was your Christmas?

Dec 25, 2005 19:05

Christmas over here wasn't as sucky as I thought it would be. Yay. The much dreaded IL visit went reasonably well. Maybe because I spent most of the time in the basement with the kids, and avoided the adults, but still. Not bad. The kids definitely had a fantastic time. Admittedly, I don't have the greatest amount of patience with other peoples kids. Hell, even with my own kids some days. But BILs kids are fabulous. They aren't scary, robotically perfect, nor are they screaming demons. They are loud and rowdy, like many 6 and 8 yr olds, but also very polite, and the nicest kids I've EVER seen about sharing. And so good with Aidan. Their mom worked with an autistic kid at the last place they were stationed, so Aidan's behaviors and quirks were nothing new to them. Aidan and CJ actually played together, interactively, not parallel play, for a short time. Wish they lived closer. I guess the worst thing that happened was the anti-aging cream MIL put in my stocking. Gee......thanks. I know I'm approaching 30, must you remind me?

Christmas morning here was chaos of course. Mags got 2 of her most coveted items, so she was shreikingly happy. Aidan was a bit slower to warm up, but now he's in love with most of his gifts too. I got 2 books I really wanted from Mike, so yay! Harrington on Holdem, Vol II and the newest Patricia Cornwell. :D

My mom's was pretty typical for family gatherings over there. Lots of yelling and cussing, all good natured. My oldest brother threatened to take me out in the yard and hose me off. Apparently, he wasn't fond of my patchouli lotion. Dork. Middle brother (who's 24, mind you) threw a tantrum over losing at Monopoly. Who beat him? His own wife. Bigger dork. I got some stuff from Bath and Body Works in a scent I was dying to try, Black Raspberry Vanilla, and a Visa gift card (all I asked for this year was gift cards to finance my shopping for my February road trip, I really need some more winter-ish dressy clothes), so I can spend it wherever I want! Woohoo! Margaret got a crib to go with her Princess Alexa doll, who already has a bottle. Gag. Although if she does like she does with any other baby carrier, she'll put the baby in the crib, and the crib in the bed next to her. LOL

So we just have to get through one more day, and it's the most physically demanding, because it's at our house, so we have to clean, then I have to cook. I feel really bad, I didn't get the scarves done for my dad or his gf, but this season has just been damned hectic. So I got them each a small gift, and print out pictures from the patterns and tell them those are on their way. Though with those 2 new books, and probably 1-2 more from my dad waiting for me, it's going to be hard to buckle down and actually be productive.
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