Oct 16, 2007 17:29
So yes... I'm pregnant.
w00t! I love kids <3 And everyone has always told me that I'll make a good mom. So I'm not too worried about it going terribly wrong or anything. I'm at Sara's since that's where I currently live... and they have gone out... they've only been gone for 30 minutes but I'm like super on edge because I don't want them to come home and be like AAAHHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR FAMILY ROOOM!?!?!? It's not like me and Kyle are doing it in here or anything. Or I'm not like peeing on the floor or whatever they think I'm going to do in here.
But anyhow... Kodeekins has asked for a new entry and I haven't much else to do... so here goes.
I'm really sad about this but also excited...... I'm going to be going to FL for a month to stay with my grandma. But I am going to miss Kyle sooooooo much! <3 I know he's not going to do anything behind my back and I'm certainly not going to be doing anything behind his. And that's because this is his kid and I know that he's for sure about taking this thing seriously. I mean if he does what my mom did to my dad to me..... well I'm taking the kid and I'm just fucking booking it. I do NOT want my kid growing up around that sort of thing. But I'm pretty dang sure that I know Kyle well enough to know that he's not going to do anything like that. =) I loves him soooooooo much! And the reason I'm going to FL is so that him and I can both stay somewhere for free. His parents won't let me stay with him at their house for some strange and gay reason. So I'm going to FL and he can stay there and then for this month we can like not buy anything dumb and then be able to move into an apartment. =)
I'm so excited for all of this though. Me and Kyle with our own place =)