Yes, I've finally put my Memories to good use as opposed to just sticking random batshit in there.
I've just finished creating a directory containing all the gifs I've made and posted to
atsu_a_go_go, as well as the Fish Tanker's 2008 gifs I posted here in my own journal.
I made this for both myself, and for everyone else. Sometimes, someone would request gifs from a certain video, and a lot of the time, I had already made gifs from that video. Digging through the gif tag on Atsu to find the post became kind of troublesome, so now everything is in one convenient, easy-to-navigate place.
At least, I like to think it's pretty easy to navigate. The categories are broken down pretty clearly, but I'll give a small rundown on a couple things to make everyone's lives easier (because that's what this is all about, right? XD).
The categories are as follows:
TV Performances
TV Concerts
Pretty self-explanatory, right? But here are some tips to remember when navigating:
If the concert was released on DVD (Such as Climax Together, Explosion, Devil and Freud, Fish Tank lives, etc.), it will be found in the "Concerts" category.
Misc. contains stuff that, of course, doesn't fall into the other categories (making ofs, etc.).
The last two categories contain some entries that often overlap, but the main difference is that, if it wasn't technically a concert (such as performances on shows like Music Station or Pop Jam), it will exclusively be contained in the "TV Performances" category, and will not be found in the "TV Concerts" category.
Whereas, stuff like the Ga Ga Special, Not Greatest Tour, DIQs, etc. will exclusively be found in the "TV Concerts" category.
Some of my posts contained assorted gifs from many different sources, and due to the character limit on the "description" field of the Memories, I had to use abbreviations for a lot of things in order to fit everything in.
Aside from the common abbreviations that we all know (OLODCU, CT, DIQ, etc.), I created some not-so-well known ones that are a little important to know in order to decipher some of the descriptions for the entries.
Here is a guide to refer to:
RP = Rocket Punch
AnH = Aku no Hana
MLOX = Mona Lisa Overdrive -Xanadu-
BTS = Behind the Scenes
BG = Background
RR = Rest Rooms
MO = Making Of
MO! = Music On!
PJ = PopJam
CC = Club Citta
CQ = Club Quattro
HUM = Hurry Up Mode
MS = Music Station
JOMK = Just One More Kiss
SPS = Shapeless Photo Session
WI = Waratte Iitomo
If I missed any, please let me know! XD
I hope everyone will make good use of this! I know I will. XD I plan to revisit a lot of videos I made gifs from a long time ago since I've improved, and would like to remake them to make them better. You can find the directory in my
Memories. There's also a link to them in the sidebar. *Point*
Also! All the gif posts are locked, so you need to be a member of
atsu_a_go_go (or in the case of my Fish Tanker's 2008 gifs, I have to friend you) to see them. Probably a huge "DUR!", but I'm just mentioning it for the sake of it. XDDDD
In other news, I've been going through and making gifs from my rip of the Tenshi no Revolver Tour, and remade a couple gifs of Yuuta and Toll from the performance of My Eyes & Your Eyes.
I've replaced the old links with the new ones in the posts, and the posts with said gifs can be found
here (Toll) and
here (Yuuta). Phew! Enjoy! XD