So, yesterday turned out to be quite a pleasant birthday, even though I got to bed really late the night (morning) before. Even that part was really nice because it was due to really enjoyable RP with
naudiz and
silverblue; the only downside was having to get up with 6-7 hours sleep (for me, that's rarely anywhere near enough). But I did successfully arise, dropped
_the_boy_ off at work, and went off to my weekly volunteer shift at
S.A.R.A.'s Treasures, where I got to be useful, social, and repeatedly purred at. ;) Also ended up buying several (six...) books... which isn't too bad since they were $8 total.
naudiz took me to Outback for a birthday dinner, which was absolutely delicious, and also amusing as we ended up ordering the same thing (with one exception, as I like me some sauteed 'shrooms on my filet) without having discussed it in the least. Took a quick trip to Market of Choice so she could pick some things up, and then I hung out at her place, phoned my folks back, and read some of a book on "taking charge of your fertility" or something like that, which was an interesting read, even if I only got through the first couple chapters. And for some reason I was really exhausted at that point, so when the Boy arrived we headed home, and I went to bed pretty shortly after that.
pjack played a couple snippets of, erm, "
Dylan Hears A Who," which is... Dr. Seuss as sung by Bob Dylan (not the real one... I =think=.). We both felt Green Eggs and Ham was, in fact, pretty awesome.
I've just suddenly realised people are coming over tonight. Sometimes Saturdays sneak up on me. :) I am, however, rather pleased about this. The visiting, not the sneaking up.
At any rate -- yes, it was a nice birthday. I actually AM feeling slightly different now, but not older... it's just sort of energizing to have a year-marker pass and feel like I'm actually on the right track, even if I'm not moving all that fast, even if there are a lot of things at which I know I'm still falling down. And I feel loved, with all
your good wishes yesterday, and
chewygui's (and her wee ones') extremely cute e-cards, and the dinner, which are honestly all more than I expected to mark the day. Thank you. :)