Feeling Lost in Life's Journey

Nov 14, 2009 10:27

This is a dream I had last night.

Me and all of my college friends get on a train. I stash my luggage including my purse with my cell phone, wallet, etc. Once I sit down comfortably a miniature collie comes over to me and jumps into my lap and snuggles. I don't even think about who the dog belongs to. We arrive at our stop, and I only realize because everyone I know gets off. As I scramble to push the dog off of me and exit the train, I feel like I have no time left. Once I'm off the train I see all my friends are standing far from the tracks already and when I walk over to them, I remember that my luggage is still on the train. I rush back to the train and desperately search for my bags, but I can't find them. I open up overhead compartment after overhead compartment and I really start freaking out. Rodney comes up to me and asks if I need help, I feel like I am wasting time just explaining the situation. The next thing I know, the train is moving, I'm on it alone and the sense of dread is intolerable. I force myself to wake up.

So what does this mean?

To see or carry luggage in your dream, symbolizes the many desires, worries, responsibilities and needs that you are carrying with you and weighing you down. You need to reduce your desires and problems and alleviate the pressure you are putting on yourself. Perhaps you feel that you are being held back by past emotions or issues. Alternatively, luggage symbolizes your identity and sense of security.
To dream that you lose your luggage, represents a lost in your identity. Consider how you feel when you discovered that your luggage is lost. If your reaction is negative, then it suggests that you are feeling lost.

Going on a train ride may be symbolic of your life's journey. It can signify attempts to reach significant destinations in our lives such as career or romantic goals. Do we arrive successfully? The train could also be symbolic of your need to move on and to do things in an orderly and sequential manner. If you dream of missing a train or passing your destination, it may indicate that you feel that you have missed an opportunity.

To dream that you are trapped or caught in a trap, suggests that you are feeling confined and restricted in your job, career, health, or a personal relationship. You may be in a rut and are tired of the same daily monotony.

Dogs in dreams could symbolize a large variety of ideas and concepts, but mostly they are symbolic of the dreamer's defensive structure and may represent personal boundary issues. Otherwise, dogs could symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. Alternatively, it indicates a skill that you have ignored or forgotten.. If the dog was friendly and affectionate, it signifies pleasure and happy times with friends. Finally, dogs could represent the more basic or "animal" parts of our nature and some think that they specifically represent male energy.

diary, dream

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