So, what have I done since my last post - 4 1/2 months ago.
Well, I've got myself a car - a little Green Polo: Which occasionally breaks down, but for the most part is reliable - starts every morning and gets me to work and back in a third of the time the train did, and only costs (so far) a few quid a month more.
I went to the GW GT and didn't qualify for the final (only just though) :( but had a great time and lots of beer - next year, nothing but cheese for me - I need to qualify at least once in my life.
I'm busy at work, trying to avoid doing a load of work myself and spending more time 'managing' my two minions.
I'm very tired, early night for me tonight I think. - Only 60 days till Xmas, and more importantly only 12 weeks till Snowboarding!!!
Must save up.