thursday is the new hump day

Jul 24, 2008 20:13

phew tired. i seem to have a problem going to bed at a reasonable hour this week. this makes the whole being at work at 7am thing kind of hard. booooooo. on the up side, my schedule has been totally reasonable this week - 11 hrs, 10 hrs, 10 hrs, though i am probably jinxing myself by mentioning that. tomorrow being a friday, and us only having one doctor tomorrow means we will be busy bees. you'd think that having one doc would limit the amount of stuff we can see and thereby make less work for each of us, but we end up seeing the same amount and then spend vast quantities of time waiting for said doctor to perform ultrasounds and endoscopies and things of that nature. i'm working with one of my favorite doctors tomorrow though, dr. b! she's really cool and doesn't freak out or get bitchy when it gets busy. those are key features i look for in my colleagues. :)

so, while i've enjoyed this brief respite from school, i find myself on the verge of signing up for two classes for the fall. i'm thinking of taking medical microbiology plus a lab course. i have to make sure i won't get like, fired or something though, given that the lab is saturday mornings from like 9 to 12, and i sometimes have to work saturdays.... but this is temporary so it should be okay. or so i attempt to convince myself. anyway, i'd be in school wednesday nights and saturday mornings, and the math class is online / self paced, so i could do it whenever. i think that is okay for the math topics that are primarily review for me. we'll see if my terrible procrastination habits are a hindrance to me. most likely they will be. sort of not looking forward to that whole working 40+ plus two classes, but i think i can make it worth with these two. ve vill see. it'll all be worth it in the end, right?.......... right?

so who wants to hear the crazy list of schools that i am considering applying to at the moment? what? all of you do? ok, great! here goes, in somewhat rank-ordered by preference:

uc davis (davis, CA)
michigan state university (east lansing, MI)
university of wisconsin (madison, WI)
tufts university (somewhere in MASS, don't remember)
washington state university (pullman, WA)
the ohio state university (uhh. ohio. also can't remember what city. lame.)
university of minnesota (st. paul, MN)
cornell university (NY somewhere)
colorado state university (colorado springs? CO)
university of illinois (champaign, IL)
oklahoma state university (stillwater, OK)
iowa state university (ames, IO)
western university of health sciences (pomona, CA)

this list is a virtual guarantee that i will spend four years minimum living in butt fuck egypt. srsly.

i just looked over this post and kind tl;dr'ed myself.

oh, also: crazy shooting like, a block from my house. andrea don't tell your dad because he'll tell my mom and then she'll worry even more than she already does. i have her convinced i'm living somewhere safer than los angeles and i don't want to destroy that illusion. :) anyway, it was at like 9:20 the other night and we heard a shitload of gunfire then sirens, then the cops knocked on our door! to see if we saw anything or whatever. sucks and is lame and we may move if we can find an affordable way to do so.

vet school, violence

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