Aug 08, 2004 00:52
Hey Dudes! It would be me again seeing as how this is my livejournal and I should be the only one putting updates in here.
Anywho, last Saturday I had to work 1-9:30 and it SUCKED with a capital SUCKED, and I get to do it again next Saturday, BLAH! I hung out with Dannie and Emily after work, we ate at Taco Bell and then went to Emily's house and watched Finding Nemo. I love that movie. I stayed with Emily Saturday night and we stayed up and talked about all the people we were angry with (PMSalicious). Boy that was fun. We had intentions of going to church the next morning but we were tired so we didn't we just churched it in the evening. Then we all went to Andrew's house and watched some of a movie and basically just hung out, it was good fun. At about 10 my mom called me and told me I hadn't been home all weekend (which I was home Friday night and was coming home Sunday night) but she was like "Come home now" and what does she do when I get here?? SHE GOES TO BED! Yeah, it made me quite angry because I was having fun with everyone at Andrew's. Oh well I am sure I didn't miss much.
Well, I think I am going to turn this off and go to bed or something like that. I'll see you all hopefully real soon and if you want to hang out call my cell phone and we'll make plans!
Post Script: School starts in a few weeks..BOO....I do my scheduling in a few days so pray for me or cross your fingers for me...what ever you feel necessary.