[ Opposite Gender Theme ]

Dec 23, 2008 01:29


Name: Xinda
Since this is the Opposite Gender Restamp, what character have you most recently been rated as? Future Sakura
In what ways do you agree with that stamping? Well... we're both people who learn from things, try to increase our knowledge on specific subjects and try to better ourselves while still staying true to ourselves. (Or, trying to). She tends to think before leaping and also can be mature while also emotional - things I feel I also do/am. Also, we both want the best for those we care about and continue to have faith in them. Um... So on and so forth?
...And in what ways do you disagree with it? Well, in terms of "exactly like her", I'm not physically strong like she is nor can I properly express myself in ways that I feel she may be better at. I also feel that she's a bit more intelligent than I am - not that I'm not, just not "as much", if you will? She's also more likely to act on certain things, where I will hesitate... So on and so forth...?


Likes: My friends and select members of my family. Being acknowledged and appreciated. Receiving compliments (or even constructive crit). Completing things. Anime. Knowing what goes on in the lives of people I care about (aka, not being left out). Swimming. Water and fire. Warmth. Having fun/laughing. Fangs. Pointy ears. Blood. Writing, drawing, dancing, graphicing (layouts, icons, banners, etc), playing video games, reading... Creative stuff. Helping people.
Dislikes: Besides some of the opposites of what I put for my 'likes'... Being ignored/abandoned/belittled/talked down to. Being used. Prejudice. Abuse. Being interrupted. Having to repeat myself. Being depressed. Anything bad happening to someone I care about. Being insulted. When I find myself going into bouts of procrastination...

What do you feel is your best quality?: Loyalty - I think that ties into a lot of other traits that are positive ones.
Your worst?: Too sensitive/over emotional - same thing.

Pet Peeves: There's actually a lot. From something as small as "not putting things that are not yours back when you're done" to "people who interrupt others and never let them finish/ask them to continue." When people lie. When people crack their knuckles and other joints - especially if I can hear them. Various forms of rudeness...
Dreams & Ambitions: To become successful - namely in my "dream career". To live out on my own without struggling to "survive". To "live" instead of simply "survive". To have a family of my own.

Personality in 5 words or less: Caring, creative, loyal, perverted and emotional.


Favorite Season: Summer. Totally. I prefer warmth over coldness (unless the coldness comes with playable snow).
Favorite Element: Fire & Water. I can't choose of the two.
Favorite Naruto character & why: I rather like a lot - if not most - of them, to be honest. I honestly cannot choose just one. I adore that Sakura is emotional while also kick-butt awesome (both in healing and physical strength), while also undeniably loyal and such. Naruto's faith in others and optimistic personality. Shikamaru's intelligence and the way he treats Chouji is amazing. Itachi (including all forms of development) and the whole "more than meets the eye" while in the same breath "what you see is what you get". Hinata's desire to become more than what she is and push herself despite how hard it is and not give up. Gosh, the list goes on...


Mature or Immature: Both. Mature when I have to be - and sometimes when I don't (often leading to the title "motherly" to be thrown my way). I can also be 'immature' and enjoy that, too. It depends on what the situation calls for, or allows.
Leader or Follower: I prefer to work alone, to be honest. Of the two... More of a follower. I'd like to be more of a leader, but I fear that I'm not - I'm more likely to bow my head and take a step back if someone else takes the reigns - unless I'm already "gun-ho" for it.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Depends. I tend to be more pessimistic when it comes to things relating to me 'alone', but optimistic (and sincerely so) when it deals with those other than myself.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. I'd like to wish I was more of a balance, but I'm more cautious - sometimes to a fault.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. Then, I get to know you and I can bounce back and forth (not necessarily by choice). But, my bouts of being "outgoing" tend to be limited and doesn't always last as long as I'd like.
Hardworking or Laid-back: Generally, I would say hardworking. Lately, however, less so. Which is disappointing and I am working on returning to what I once was. If I have something to do (at a job, or when I was in school, for example) I am very hardworking. Get the job/what I need done in a good amount of time - sometimes with time to spare. However, lately, I've picked up the "procrastination" bug - which may or may not be considered laid-back...
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: In-between. Generally, I'm more calm. But, like my bouts of "outgoing behaviour" I can also become hyper; usually the two are hand-in-hand.
Modest or Bold: Modest...?
Lover or Fighter: Lover.


You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: Help them where I can. When push comes to shove, I do sometimes go into a state of frozen-ness, where all sense of "what to do" leaves or I just jump right in to help. But, I wouldn't let the fact that I dislike them stop me from helping them if I can help them and they really need it. As much as 'getting what a person deserves' could come into play, I couldn't just stand there and let it happen. So, yeah, I'd do what I could to help.

When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: Hmmmmmm. Good question. I think I tend to stay my ground - and if someone is available to help, I call for help. But my first move is to stand my ground and such. Usually with the whole "I can do it on my own" attitude (some used to say my 'pride' was at fault). If someone is there to help and I am well aware that I can't do something on my own - I call for help. If I can't do it - and I know it - I will ask for help if I have to.

Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: .... Frown. Ten minutes, though, isn't that long considered to how long I have waited in lines for... But, I'd frown. And, depends on how much stuff they have will depend on my further reaction. Maybe a muttered, "Excuse you," may pass if they have a lot of things. If it's only a few items, I may just sigh and say nothing at all - out loud. After all, it's not worth an argument or something stupid if it's only going to be a few more minutes of waiting, right? Unless I'm in a rush, then I'll sulk? But, I don't think I'd actually SAY something if someone cut in line at the store.

NARUTO VERSE; Naruto has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret move he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?: Well I imagine he's been asking and not just stalking silently - being Naruto. Hmm. It depends on how secret it is. If it's a secret that I was TOLD not to share, then I wouldn't share - and let him know he needs to respect that some things are personal or kept between two (or few) ninja. If it's my only-super-cool-move then I'd point out he has his "special move", I'd like to have one of my own -- without being rude about it. I would thank him that he'd think it was cool, though. If I don't teach him/show him, though, I would ask him if there's something else I can do - maybe a ramen lunch?

NARUTO VERSE; Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all? I'd rather not be on the battle field at all. I'd like to be able to, if I have to, but I'd rather not fight at all -- let alone see others fight. I dislike such things, really. And, if I was on the battle field... who knows. In video games, I'm up close and personal and usually on the offensive ;3 But, if it were real, I just wouldn't. Death and such major wounds on people's bodies and minds through wars/battles are not something I enjoy seeing.... I wouldn't want to be put in the position where I actually would attack someone with the intent of killing.

NARUTO VERSE; Your friend has joined the "dark side" and wants you to join them. More power and money, they say. Would you join them? Wah. No, I wouldn't. And, I would do my best to convince them to get out of that =\ If by 'dark side' (which, I read in Darth Vader's voice, followed by, "We have cookies"...) it's meant as villains/bad guys/evil stuff - like the Akatsuki... I'd say no. I couldn't be "evil" if I wanted to and nor would I want someone I care about to be "evil" either. Power and money doesn't win at everything.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: My extreme paranoia. I think if that was downed up, my self-esteem and unstable emotions might at least balance out better -- giving them less reason to fret and wave so terribly.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: "CARING". And not the caring that requires people to KILL and HURT others in the name of that caring. Y'know, peace? More peace? Less war and evils? Less starving and homeless people through unfortunate events? Yeah. -- I know, predictable "model" answer, but it's true.

If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?: I will refrain from spouting off many fangirl responses that would likely require AU-Verses Hmmm. Good question. I'd want to be someone that I could interact with everyone else and get to know them - while also using an awesome ability. Or maybe I could say I'd be Itachi and I'd go in and change things and .... never mind. Huh. Really, that's a hard one. Kakashi and see what's under his mask? Naw. I'm going to go with Sakura.
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the Naruto-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?: No. Not at the risk of having to leave my Non-Naruto-verse family/friends behind. In Naruto-verse, y'get into fighting and more "adult" things at a younger age (at least more so than most of the world - or a good portion of the world? Half of it?). Also, I wouldn't want to bring my family/friends into a verse considering latest manga-chapters.... But, oh to have such a world! The abilities? The friends/characters? There's a lot that is tempting, but I couldn't abandon my friends/family... If they said they wanted to join me after knowing about that world... then we'll talk.


Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?:
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:
1. xx
2. xx
3. xx

VOTING REMINDER: please remember to vote for the opposite gender of the character that this applicant originally got stamped as in the Regular Application!

opposite gender: iruka

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