Mirror Theme

Aug 17, 2008 22:36

Name/Nickname: Caitlin
Who were you rated as in the regular application?: Future!Hinata
1. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/773184.html
2. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/773068.html
3. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/772602.html

POST AT LEAST ONE PICTURE HERE (A picture is preferred, but if you do not have one or cannot post them and would still like to participate in this theme, a very good/detailed physical description will suffice):
>_< I have absolutely ZERO pictures of myself on my laptop... and my mom has my camera, which means I can't put any on here. :( So, since it's allowed, a verry good descrition? XD I'm 5'7", have mid-back length brown hair, hazel eyes, and very pale skin. I also wear glasses, though I'm hoping to get rid of those soon. :/ I usually wear my hair up in a pony tail, either high or low, as long as it's out of my face. I hate it when the wind blows it so I can't see, you know? Anyways, I wear comfortable clothes, whatever I feel like wearing basically. XD Usually baggier, more boyis clothes, 'cause they're easier to move around in. I also always wear some type of jewelry, usually a piece that means something to me. Although, I don't wear it during school, 'cause it's a hassle to take on and off for gym (and it gives me less time to change, since I usually fumble with the clasps...). The current pieces that I wear are a white beaded bracelet (that I got from Wizards Quest in Wisconsin. o_O), a blue butterfly ring that I got from one of my cloest friends in the fifth grade, and a Juicy Coutour diamond necklace that another friend gave me that's into fashion. >_> She got it for me for my graduation, when I clearly stated on the invite to not bring presents... but she got me an expensive something anyway, so I had to accept it... gah, Natalie, the things you make me do. Back on subject (sorry), I hate makeup and avoid wearing it. I wear whatever shoes I feel comfortable in (secure flip flops or gymshoes, usually).
Um... okay, I think that's it. XD I went from head to toe, so hopefully that's enough. XD

mirror: ino

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