Name: susanna
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. Likes: Holidays, summer, coffee, tea, books, newspapers, history, philosophy
Dislikes: dumb people, people who ask me to do miracles, narrowminded people, stress, rain.
What do you feel is your best quality?: erm. that's not a question that you should ask. So it will be modesty.
Your worst?: I like to procrastinate.
For the following section, please pick one or the other. Even if you show both traits, please pick the one that you feel you are most like, and if possible explain why you think you are more of this way.
Mature or Immature?: well, at my age one should be mature. Now I am aiming for wisdom
Leader or Follower?: Loner. But rather Leader than Follower.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Outgoing or Shy: Shy.
Oh no! You're just sitting there enjoying your day when from out of nowhere some kid in an orange jumpsuit wants to fight you! What possible reason could he have for doing that?: I told him off for being too loud.
Innocent bystanders somehow manage to get themselves smack dab in the middle of your fight. How would you react?: Shout at them to leave us alone.
Most shinobi tend to specialize in something, and antagonist-shinobi are no exception. Where would most of your skill and strength lie (i.e.: offense, defense, reconnaisance)?: I'd like the one who stays in the background and pulls the strings.
What are your thoughts on the Jinchuuriki?: Poor devils
Would you have a problem using people and/or animals as guinea pigs in any mad scientist experiments you might conduct? What about trying them on yourself?: I would not do it. But - wait - then I would not be evil.
Assume you're more of a secondary antagonist who is following someone else's orders. If you were your boss...would YOU trust you?: No. I am too independent.
Immortality: do you think that it's all it's cracked up to be?: No.
Is showing mercy a bad thing?: Depends. When the person is truly repenting, it's okay. Wait - I am an antagonist? Then I hope for mercy.
How about showing respect to your superiors and/or co-workers?: As I show respect to every person.
Why would you most likely be an antagonist in the Naruto-verse? Please list these reasonings on a scale of one to nine (1 being your most likely reasoning, 9 being your least):
--To change the world. 3
--Loyalty. 8
--It seemed like a fun idea at the time. 1 in Naruto, the bad guys are much more funny than the good guys
--My beliefs. 5
--Power. 2
--Money. 7
--Revenge. 9
--...Wouldn't you like to know? 4
Is there an antagonist character from something other than Naruto that you feel you can relate to? And if yes, then why?: Not really an antagonist character, and still an evil guy: Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero from "Crime and Punishment". I can relate to his isolation, and to his making friends with strangers and trying to help them.
Name one of your favorite antagonist characters aside from those in Naruto and tell us what appeals to you about that character: I like Fëanor in the Silmarillion. He is creative, and he insists on his right to what he has created and is not ready to sacrifice what is part of his heart.
Going back to Naruto now, who is your least favorite Naruto antagonist character and why? Difficult, as I am not one who normally likes evil guys. The one I think most dangerous is probably Pein. The ones I like least because they are not really interesting as antagoists are the Sound Four (or Five?) - just boring.
(OPTIONAL--please don't respond unless this somehow applies to you!) Were you rated as a character who is an option for this theme and, if so, would you prefer NOT to be rated as the same character again? Please give the character's name if that is the case.:
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