I'm going to be Hokage!

Jun 01, 2008 22:32

Name: Melissa S.
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/670062.html?view=7444334#t7444334
2. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/670258.html?view=7444530#t7444530
3. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/670580.html?view=7444852#t7444852

What would you say are some of your strengths?: Kind, Patient, studious.
Weaknesses?:Shy, self-conscious, procrastinator.

Would you say you're more of a...
Loner or Team Player?: Loner. I do have friends, don’t get me wrong, but I prefer working alone. You are responsible only for yourself and I’m a very quiet person, so it’s awkward for me to be in a large group.
Fighter or Lover?:Lover. I rarely get angry, and I forgive other very easily. I just believe that fighting can be avoided many times by using intellectual persuasion and really listening to the other person and trying to meet an agreement.
Leader or Follower?: I’m socially a follower. I don’t say very much and I’ll just follow another person’s lead and try to go unnoticed. I do think that I have my own mind, however, and I won’t follow someone that I feel is morally wrong.
Optimist or Pessimist?:Hmm. I consider myself a realist, but if you’re going to make me choose, I’ll go with slightly more pessimistic.

What's your usual energy level on any given day?: Low. I tend to be a calm person.
How mature would you probably say you were?: On a scale from 1-10 (10 being UBER-Mature) I say a 6.5. I still laugh at fart jokes and watch cartoons, but I’ve also worked with cadavers and take my future job and academic life very seriously.
...Do you think others would agree?:Most people see me as much MORE mature, except for my friends and very close family who see my silly side.

SCENARIO-TIME: All right, congratulations...you are now a ninja in the Naruto-verse! Boy, that was quick! Now it's time to take a few minutes out of your busy shinobi schedule to answer a few questions, if you don't mind.

How do your picture your Ninja Academy days?: I was quiet, and had only a few close friends, but I studied incredibly hard every day to get the top grades and put work before play to become the best I could be.
What kind of missions would you really enjoy going on?: Those where I get to help others and bring a smile to their face, and anything having to do with medicine/healing/psychology.
...Which ones would make you cringe?: Anything that involves breaking hard news to people.

Would you mind following orders...or would you prefer to be the one giving them?:I can give them, but I have no problem taking them either.
Does the prospect of being an "elite" appeal to you?: Yes. Not for the power or money, but having such a prestigious title gives you more credibility, and allows you to help even more people than you would be able to otherwise.
Would you mind having to do lots of paper and administrative work?: It’s not something I like, but I’ll do it without complaint if it needs to get done.
Would you want to be connected closely with your village...or be able to move about more freely?:Although I wouldn’t mind traveling occasionally for missions, I’d want to come back to me home and family in the village when all was said and done.
What would be your views on groups like ANBU?:They’re a highly trained group of elites that are necessary and vital.

ATTENTION VOTERS: Please check out the Theme Post to make voting easier...you can open it up in a new window or tab.
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