Name: Shelby
Age: 16
Previously stamped as: Regular: Pein; Opposite Gender: Konan; Akatsuki Partner & Matchmaker: Itachi; Young Character: Yahiko; Shippuden Character: Gaara
Briefly describe your personality: I'm very independent.. I can be venomous towards someone who pushes my buttons enough; I often have emotional storms and outbursts of anger when I feel someone needs to be put in their place, corrected. I am very artistic and constantly think of poetry I can write, and like to do creative things. I consider myself a 'deep' and introspective person, if not a little melodramatic and brooding at times. I am my own worst critic, but also very critical of others. I can be understanding and a good listener, then depressed or enraged and your ally no longer. At the same time, I do desire to have someone understand or accept me unconditionally. I'm contradictory. I have many fleeting acquaintances, random conversations with strangers, though not usually best friends. I don’t want to be ordinary...I want to be something and not waste my life sitting around all day, because I don't do Average. Fame is my goal, but I want to be respectable and stand by my views. I'm a Type 4 Romantic but the rather Self-destructive kind.
10 or less positive words about yourself: Independent, daring, risk-taking, impulsive (with my image), intelligent, bold, assertive, sharp
10 or less negative words about yourself: Secretive, easily upset, vicious when my buttons are pushed, depressive, cold, indifferent, brooding, confrontational, bitter, indirectly malicious
Likes: Fall, art, writing, taking walks, running, athleticism, philosophy, introspection, cosmetology & fashion + design, Angelina Jolie, confessional poetry, Sylvia Plath, Girl, Interrupted, Joyce Carol Oates, nature, thunderstorms, rain, horror movies, Nirvana + Kurt Cobain, Alexander McQueen, tattoos & piercings, prose, feminism, the beauty of sadness
Dislikes: Anti-feminism, extreme optimism, people who push views on me, extreme authority, censorship, writer's block, lack of creativity, physical inactivity, pop/mainstream music, wannabe rock bands, anxiety, plain fashion, mega-trends, arrogance, ignorance, abusive people, condescension, sudden feelings of depression
Who is your favorite Naruto character? Why? I have a few. Itachi, Konan, Pein, to name three [though I also like Sasuke and Sakura a lot]. I love Itachi, the mystery behind his life, how he was withdrawn and basically had to grow up so quickly due to the circumstances of his childhood, how he was revered as a prodigy and sacrificed everything for the future of the people, the greater good. His character is extremely interesting. I also always will love Pein and Konan, how they rule the city of Ame as God and God's angel, basically their backstories and appearance are just so amazing. :)
Least favorite? Why? I've always hated Orochimaru, now Kabuchimaru - they had a low-life way of doing things, no dignity, cutting corners and basically scum, a completely stupid and pointless outlook.
Are You More...
Mature or Immature?: Very mature since childhood, but with angry and emotional outbursts.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic about the world, idealistic for my own future.
Thinking or Feeling?: Feeling, with 40% thinking.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive.
Outgoing or Shy?: Outgoing but introverted, I can stand up for myself but I'm not the head cheerleader type.
Hardworking or Laid-back: Hardworking, or working in short bursts of energy.
Mark with an "X" any of the following adjectives that you think would make a good villain and mark with an "O" the ones you think apply to you in a way (there are no limits to how many you can pick):
[X O] Selfish
[X OO] Obsessive
[ ] Apathetic
[ ] Reckless
[X O] Arrogant
[ ] Ignorant
[ ] Dramatic
[X O] Insecure
[ ] Bratty
[X O] Violent
[ ] Cruel
[X O] Hostile
[X OOO] Unstable
[x] Cold-hearted
[ ] Lovestruck
General Questions...
Why would you be a member of an organization like Akatsuki?: I would probably be seeking to achieve my goals, but maybe I'd feel as if Akatsuki was the only option that seemed appealing at the time.
What are your thoughts on the Jinchuuriki? How would you feel about capturing them?: Depressed or somber. Despite my contradictory nature, I can actually be deeply affected by human suffering. It wouldn't be enjoyable to me.
Is showing mercy a bad thing?: In some areas, yes. If the person is weak or innocent, woman/child, no.
How about showing respect to your superiors and/or co-workers?: Sometimes I would, though I have a problem with rebelliousness. I can be stoic, then suddenly something can set me off and make me disrespectful impulsively.
Would you do anything to gain more power/be stronger?: Not anything. I'm not stupid.
Do you think bonds between people are important or useless and/or painful?: Important, but bittersweet. I wouldn't be the person I am now if I hadn't endured and managed to live through the pain and emotional difficulties my poor relationships have brought me.
Would you be able to kill a loved person for the sake of your goals?: Depends. I don't feel quite close to a few particular loved ones in my life - so with those loved ones, I wouldn't mind. Heh.
Why would you most likely be a villain in the Naruto-verse? Please list these reasonings on a scale of one to nine (1 being your most likely reasoning, 9 being your least):
2--To change the world.
4--It seemed like a fun idea at the time.
3--My beliefs.
1--...Wouldn't you like to know?
List of available options located over
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