Title:Just Like You Imagined/'Promise'
Author:ninjafrog30(aka ME!)
Warnings:Character Death, Fluff
Disclamer:Not Real. Never Happened. Dont Own. So Dont Sue.
Authors Notes:This story wasn't actually written from the word 'Promise' off my smexy ass prompt table...It just sort of worked out that it fit
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and, HOLY SHIT!! you totally gave me an idea!! syn coming back from the dead?? omg!! hott!! LMAO!! i think im gunna do it!! lol...im so creepy...;)!!
and, dont worry about the whole pressure thingy...ive got time!! ill get it done!! lol. and, i will DEFF tell you when i do it too!! :)!!
and, as for the prompt table, you basically come up with a bunch of words(i have fifty in mine)and you make a graph and you can cross them off as you write them.
i did an exchange of words, but i can give you words if you want!!
or you can come up with them yourself...its just more fun when you dont have ideas of the words from the beginning, at least it is for me.
i have a whole list of words i have saved in my lappy, if you want me to just send them to you...
and i can help you figure out the graph table as well, if you need. okay??
just let me kno, id certainly be happy doin' what i can to help ya keep writin' and stuff!! lol!
and, YAYY!! get to work on that smut, hunn!! you better have it done before like next week!! lmao.
or ill...ill...i'll do nothing, but i'll be veerrryyyy upset! lol!! ;p!!
And Sure!! Send me words! That would be great!
OK!!! Go ahead and send em! That will definitely keep me busy for a while!
(Worked on the smut today.....YUMMY YUMMY!!!!!!!!)
and btw, if you don't like the words i give you, feel free to ask for different ones!!
but i made sure i gave you ALOT of dirty ones, to work with, lmao!! so, i hope you like them!! :)!!
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