I suck at keeping up with LJ. :( For this, I am eternally sorry.
I've been slowly working my way through narrating and podcasting the chapters of book one. At the moment, there are four episodes available - each a little under or over half an hour over at
http://ninjacooter.libsyn.com/webpage or
http://jhadaaddams.com/blog/. Once again, you can also subscribe to Rogue's Podcast of Iniquity and Ill Fitting Trousers by going to iTunes > Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast - the URL is
http://www.jhadaaddams.com/blog/?feed=podcast&format=mp3 It's my intention to narrate the entire book while I continue to write more erotic short stories in between finishing book 2. I plan to be in attendance at the following cons this year so far:
April 1 - 3, 2011
Momentum - Crowne Plaza hotel Silver Springs, MD
April 8-10, 2011
RavenCon - Holiday Inn Koger Center Richmond, VA
May 27 - 30, 2011
Balitcon 45 - Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn Baltimore, MD
August 11 - 14, 2011 -
Authors After Dark - Doubletree Hotel Philadelphia, PA