Looks like you're also missing some links and images in the left side bar on the broken pages (and your copyright is in black text, and thus invisible on this background). The problem is pushing the main page down below the leftside navigation. I'm looking at the source code, but the formatting is a bit strange; assuming you want the leftside navigation to look like what you have on the merchandise page, I would use the merchandise page as a new template for the others and swap out the main page content. It's possible that with some more scrutiny I can figure out what's going on here, but I've never really used XHTML. If one of your brighter friends can't come up with a solution I'll play around with it later. What did you use to build this?
Comments 4
I know what you're saying, though... I seem to have misplaced a lot of html somewhere along the line. D'oh!!!
My 1997 l33t html table skillz are kind of a joke.
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