September was quite a busy month. Did a number of jobs for BBC, one of which I'm very happy with. It's a spot about celebrating the Diwali season with BBC. It's a miracle that there were no revisions at all. Approved right away! It's the best work I've done so far in this company and the one project that I got involved in the most. From working on the style frames to the storyboard and providing inputs during the shoot to finishing it in post. The post production took me nine working days to finish the whole thing.
Igan Hannah also visited here with her dolls during early that month I think. Me and Bel went with her to the designer bazaar thing. Also went to IKEA and the COMEX computer expo thing. Too bad I felt really sick that time and wasn't able to go to work the next monday.
We're planning to go visit the
PhunkStudio exhibit tonight with some of my colleagues. Then tomorrow I think we'll be going to the night safari with a bunch of Bel's old officemates.