Mar 13, 2005 21:04
Had a awesome Spring Break! So many memories and good times. Whipped cream fights, Yu Gi Oh for 8 hours straight, Ice Skating, going to Marquettes in a snow storm of craziness, eating so much food, driving really fast. Gosh, it was so awesome. Hotel Rwanda was an awesome movie and it was nice to see Jessess and Courtney and the apple dumplings...hahahah. I can't wait until Easter and I really can't wait until summer. Hopefully things will be smoother here, but I don't know....never can know. It was really great to see all of you guys, all of you make home so much better, I don't know what I would do without you all to be there for me. Thanks so much for being great friends, and I can't wait to see all of you again, hopefully all in one place. Miss ya.