A Tearful Plea For HALP

Mar 12, 2011 20:03

So, I am the proud XO of the magical ship K/S in this year's Ship Olympics. This is a very exciting thing, and I have in fact slept very little since things kicked off because OMG EPIC THINGS HAPPENING ON THE INTERNET.

Unfortunately, I am all kinds of truly, impressively massive fail with icons. YOU DO NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW FULL OF FAIL THAT IS. I am not sure what is happening, but I managed to crash my computer twice just attempting to install Photoshop, because when I decide to fail at something I fail very hard indeed, apparently.

This leads me to my problem: I am greedy and want to show off, and desperately desire a Team Spork XO icon. I'm not even going to pretend it's for any sort of reason other than so I can point to it proudly and shout LOOKIT LOOKIT I'M A PART OF THAT AWWWW YEAH. But I cannot has?

So, in short: can someone please, please either explain Photoshop to me so I can EXORCISE THE DEMONS, or donate an icon to my admittedly self-serving cause?


*hopeful eyes*

shameless pleading, ship olympics

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