
Oct 24, 2007 22:31

So, yesterday was 'evil twin' day on neopets.

And, you can buy an 'evil twin goatee'.


I want one... Badly!

I can't find one.

Basically, there is one shop that I can buy this item where it wouldn't be outrageously expensive. But, you have to grab it the moment it comes up. I haven't seen it yet.

And, so far, the only way I've seen this goatee, it's been under a trade for, and I quote, "First Evil Twin Goatee buyed in all neopets there are not too many of these... Pure NP or PB plz". Which means, lots and lots of neopoints, or a rare paintbrush (It's used to 'paint' your pet to a different and/or rare way... Zombie, red, plushie, fairie, etc etc).

So, do you love me? Do you wan to make me happy? Are you on neopets? Give me a evil twin goatee! Or, twenty of them! -weg-

neopets, me

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