
Sep 19, 2007 02:43

I got a poogle!


"What the heck?" You ask...

Basically, it's a pet that can only be made at Neopets on Poogle Day each year (Which is today). So, I now own a poogle named Laproaig.

I'm stoked because I actually found a cool name to use that wasn't taken, so I didn't have to do something like Ninjababe1066 or something like that...

Isn't he cute? :) He's mean though... I gave him a mean personality.

Also, I decided to make him my 'lab rat'. Basically, when I'm traveling around the neopets site, he's the one that'll be my active pet. So, if something bad happens, it'll happen to him (Like, there's a random event where a penguin-like dude shoots a ray gun at your pet and turns it into a baby). That, and when I get the full map to find the secret lab, I can use him to test the lab ray on (It turns pets different colors, different species, even different sex).

Yes! Laproaig! A very nice single malt, BTW...


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