Thoughts on Iron Man 3

May 13, 2013 21:08

So, now I've seen Iron Man 3 four times, I have some points to make...

I wrote notes during viewing three and four...

01) I like how Tony is using old suits to travel around in. 'Have to go to visit Rhodey at a bar? Just pull out an old suit.' And, it's happened before, because Rhodey didn't make any comment about him being in the suit.

02) Killian makes the comment, "You don't answer to Tony." during his pitch to Pepper. Umm... actually, yes she does. He may not be CEO, but I'm pretty sure he's still the major stockholder of the company...

03) I love the whole Date Night scene. Pepper walking downstairs, sees Tony, goes off... Not because he met her in the living room with a remote controlled suit, but because he ate without her. Pepper really knows Tony, and doesn't try to change him.

04) Tony's address: 10880 Malibu Point, 90265. Which, according to map quest, doesn't exist. I didn't think it did...

05) I found Pepper in the suit to be interesting. The fact that she could control the suit (faceplate, hand repulsor (sort of)) means to me she's been in one before. Which makes me think Tony cajoled her into it. "Just in case! Come on! Just a few times so you get the feel for it!"

06) JARVIS rescuing Tony from the sea... "Take a deep breath, sir." So awesome.

07) Tony looks like Bobby from Supernatural when in that small town in Tennessee...

08) For anyone who needs it... Some dates... The movie started in 1999. In his pitch to Pepper, Killian said he tried to get Tony to come on board with AIM 13 years ago. So, this movie took place at Christmas, 2012. Extremis started in 2009 per the time stamp on the videos Tony watched in the news van. Tony was 14 in 1983 from the tag. Which means, he's 43 in this movie.

09) I think blowing the suits was a good thing for Tony. He was getting in a rut with them... Everything was the suits... If the suit didn't work, he was 'dead in the water'. Until Harley went 'build something!'. Then, as Ithildyn said, "Tony built this from a box of scraps in a motel room in Tennessee!"

10) BAMF!Tony is awesome!!! But, he never used the water bottles with the putty/grout injectors full of colored liquid. I wonder if that'll be in an extended scene?

11) So... are the extremis agents wearing special heat resistant clothes? Considering they heat up to massive amounts of heat, yet their clothes don't catch on fire? Ithildyn says they must use the same tailor as the Hulk and his magic pants. I know... I know... It's comic book logic.

12) Just an FYI: Injecting 1200 cc's of pretty much anything will kill you. The max injection a human can take at once is 3 cc's (from what I've been told by pharmacists at work).

13) I've already mentioned the necklace.

There's probably more, but that'll will have to wait until the next viewing...

iron man, movies, marvel

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